13 Signs You’re Dating the Wrong Person

1. A relationship with God is not a priority for that person. A deep devotion to God is the foundation of true love found only in Christ.

2. Their actions don’t usually match their words. This is a major character flaw because it demonstrates immaturity and lack of commitment.

3. Their closest friends are not committed to the Lord. Intimate friendships can be a sign of their own level of commitment to the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:33).

4. They have a “wandering eye.”  Lust is a stumbling block that has destroyed many marriages. Defeat lust before marriage.

5. They haven’t healed from a past/recent relationship. Repentance and healing have to take place in their heart before they start a new relationship.

6. They show controlling or manipulative behavior. Space is healthy in a relationship.

7. They struggle with addictions. Give them time and space to get free and grow into someone who can love you.

8. They have no respect for purity. Purity should be important to us if we claim to love the Lord.

9. You wouldn’t want your kids to be like them. This is a huge red flag.

10. You don’t have peace about it. Pray and seek the Lord’s face concerning this issue.

11. Your mentors/family are unsure about them. What are the godly people around you saying about the person you are dating?

12. Being with them has distracted you from Christ, your church, and or family. Don’t lose sight of what really matters.

13. You’re praying for God to change them. Don’t stay because you believe you can change them, that is an exception, not the rule.

If you are dating someone who reflects these red flags, consider the future of your relationship. Present yourself before the Lord and let Him speak to you.

Vladimir Savchuk leads the HungryGen movement and pastors a multi-cultural church with a clear-cut, focused vision to see the salvation of souls, healing, deliverance, and the raising of young leaders. He leads the annual Raised to Deliver conference which attract thousands from all over the globe. He leads three different internships. He is a sought-after speaker at conferences and camps. Please listen to his podcast, the Vladimir Savchuk Podcast, on the Charisma Podcast Network.

Source: 13 Signs You’re Dating the Wrong Person – Charisma Magazine

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