After the article “5 signs that the groom is not of the Lord” was shared more than 4000 times, I decided to write an article about the “opposite”. The following five signs appeared when my husband, Jerome, asked for my hand in marriage.
1. He has a living relationship with God, which is visible in his ministry in the church
Jerome preached on college campuses. We first met in 1985 on a mission trip to Boston. I came there from Hawaii and he came from Missouri. When I saw him, my impressions were no greater than when I met a postman on the street. He didn’t make any impression on me then, but somehow it happened that he was standing right behind me in the group picture.
Our paths crossed periodically over several years because we had many mutual friends who were active in the ministry. I attended the University of Hawaii and was very active in church. He was a member of the Church Planting Team at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
A few years later I moved to Gainesville, Florida and started publishing a church magazine. And I met Jerome again when I visited a leadership seminar at the service headquarters. I thought he was very funny, but I never imagined that he would walk me down the aisle in a few years.
Jerome and I met again at a pastors conference in Indianapolis. His pastors knew me and didn’t mind Jerome and I cooking lunch together. But I was interested in only to know how some of our mutual friends were doing.
That lunch turned into an amazing 3 hour conversation, I felt like I had met my best friend. I was surprised at how much we had in common. It was as if we met on the same highway in life and headed in the same direction at the same time for years. We had the same vision and similar ministry experiences. This was a sign to me that Jerome could be more than just a friend, but a friend for life.
2. Your leaders and pastors think marrying him is a good idea
A few months after the conference, Jerome asked me to marry him. It really happened rather quickly, but we knew each other for seven years. I asked several service leaders who know us both for their thoughts on this. They praised Jerome’s determination, loyalty and self-sacrifice.
Jerome had a good reputation because of his many years of ministry and he had led half of the brothers in the congregation to the Lord. He taught them and told them to live by faith. He was not new to the faith. This was another sign to me that maybe the Lord was leading me to marry Jerome.
In my church, those who want to marry new believers are advised to wait a year. I like this test because it shows if a person has really made a serious decision to follow the Lord or if it is just a temporary hobby.
3. Your parents like him
When I first saw my future father-in-law, Erd, in Natchez, Missouri, he was skinning a squirrel. I couldn’t quite make out his heavy southern accent, but he approved of Jerome’s choice. When Jerome met my mother, Aloha, and my stepfather, Celes, in Stockton, California, they immediately liked him.
Jerome was humorous and sweet and they saw him as their best friend. And to this day, he has not lost this amazing talent that won my heart. My parents’ approval was a sign that he was right.
4. He has a job
Jerome was an electronics salesman at the store. His salary was a percentage of sales and he was good at his job, which I knew he was a hard worker. If you work without pay, just for fun – if you don’t work, you don’t eat.
I’ve seen women reject guys whose work didn’t meet their needs. The girl wants a guy with the salary of a middle manager, but he is a simple salesman in a home goods store. And even if a man loves God and is faithful in serving in the church, I have seen girls abandon him in favor of men outside the church who earn more and look richer.
A man who doesn’t love God but has a cool job and looks more wealthy can lead you to apostasy. I’ll bet you 20 bucks you won’t be in church within a month of marrying him. I see this scenario play out all the time and it’s very sad.
I believe that if a man works hard at his current job, God will raise him up. Girls, you just have to be patient and let God make him who he is called to be. If a man is a faithful, diligent and hard worker who loves God, he will be successful in life. Don’t push a man away if he earns less than you today. Give him a few years of hard work and service to God and his faithfulness will bear fruit.
5. He doesn’t pressure you into premarital sex
Jerome ended a previous relationship at age 21 and was abstinent for 13 years before our wedding. I don’t know many men with that kind of record. If a man prays in tongues, reads his Bible every day, and knows the Scriptures by heart, and lures you into sleeping with him, telling you that you can repent and that God is merciful, flee from him!
Guys who can control themselves before marriage are great in marriage. I know that maintaining virginity and abstaining from sex outside of marriage is not the most popular topic in church preaching. But God has something to say about sexual immorality: “Let marriage be honorable for all, and the bed undefiled; but God will judge harlots and adulterers.” (Hebrews 13:4)
By observing these five signs, you will know well whether the man who asks you to marry him is the right one or not. If any of these signs are flashing red, I suggest you wait until they turn green.
By Leilani Haywood /