A sure method, linking a man with God

Next, God selects faith as the channel of salvation because it is a sure method, linking man with God.

When man confides in God, there is a point of union between them, and that union guarantees blessing. Faith saves us becaue it makes us cling to God, and so brings us into connection with Him. I have often used the following illustration, but I must repeat it, because can not think of a better. I am told that years ago a boat was upset above the fall of Nigara, and two men were being carried down the current, when persons on the shore managed to float a rope out to them, which rope was seized them both. One of them held fast to it and was safely drawn to the bank; but the other, seeing a great log come floating by, unwisely let go of the rope and clung to the log, for it was the bigger thing of the two, and apparently better to cling to. Alas! The log with the man on it went right over the vast abyss, because there was no union between the log and the shore. The size of the log was no benefit to him who grasped t; it needed a connection with the shore to produce safety.

So when a man trusts to his works, or to sacraments, or anything of that sort, he will not be saved, because there is no junction between him and Christ, but faith, though it may seem to be like a slender cord, is in the hands of the great God on the shore side; infinite power pulls in the connecting line, and thus draws the man from destrucion.

Oh the blessedness of faith, because it unites us to God!

Excerpt from Charles H. Spurgeon “All of grace.”

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