“Call your family, we don’t give you any guarantees.” How to find support in the most difficult moments of life

Diagnosis, disappointing forecasts of doctors, surgery – among the many events in a person’s life there is a place not only for joys, new discoveries and conquering peaks, but also for severe trials and times that can be lived only by holding tightly to the Lord.

The young family of Roman and Alina Kolegovs is experiencing something similar. They make their way through difficulties, trusting in God. With all their might.

Corr. – Roman, you are faced with a serious illness. Many people in such circumstances give up. But you not only did not give up, but you also became a great encouragement for those who go through similar difficulties in life. How do you do it?

R. – I learned about my diagnosis in October last year. The doctors said I had a brain cancer, an astrocytoma. My wife and I took this news calmly enough, because we hoped in God and knew that no matter what happened, He would be with us.

The difficulty was that I was sent for an operation to Novosibirsk, and my pregnant wife was left alone in Novokuznetsk. We live in a private house, and she had a hard time. Of course, relatives helped, but at such a moment when she had to give birth, when she especially needed support, being alone with all her needs was difficult.

Corr. – Have you had any health problems before?

R. – Before the operation, I was an absolutely full-fledged person, served in the army and did sports. But what happened did not knock us out, we just trusted God.

Corr. – What did the doctors say? What predictions did they make?

R. – They directly told me: “It is possible that you will not survive at all.” The operation was performed at the Federal Center for Neurosurgery for 9 hours.

In the evening before the operation, the doctors said: “Call your family, the outcome may be different – you may remain disabled for life, lose the ability to speak or walk. Anyway, a stroke can occur. We do not give you any guarantees. “

Corr. – Was it scary?

R. – Yes, there was fear, but not what it should be in such cases. It was rather scary that this was the first time in my life.

I prayed all night, stayed awake and received peace from God. We talked with my wife, and she went to the hospital that very night. It was just time for her to give birth and I went to the operating table.

Corr. – Alina, how did you get these hours of waiting for childbirth and the results of the operation of your husband?

A. – I was very worried about my spouse. But despite this, thanks to God and the prayers of relatives, God gave peace and His grace. I entrusted everything into the hands of God – both the operation and childbirth: let Your will be done for everything!

Of course, there were worries, but I drove away fear. Doubts need to be driven away if you trust God.

Corr. – At that moment did the Lord tell you something?

A. – In such situations, you come closer to God than ever. You trust Him and open your heart completely. The Lord strengthened my faith so that I could hope more and rely on Him.

I know that all this is not in vain, and I am grateful to God. If He gave this situation, then we have to go through it.

R. – The Lord spoke to me a lot at that time. I even saw some visions. The Lord was by my side.

When I woke up from anesthesia after the operation, I could neither speak nor move. I tried to say something, but I couldn’t.

At that moment, I realized that our life is so dependent on God! Even when we cannot do anything at all, He can be with us! He can just hold your hand and talk to you. And God was with me, I closed my eyes and saw His kind look. He said to me: “I am with you.”

And I cried at the reality of His presence.

Corr. – That is, you cried not because of powerlessness and despair, but because of God’s presence?

R. – Yes! I was happy!

Corr. – But this is the place where people suffer and cry out of fear.

R. – In fact, after the operation, seeing me, many were surprised and said: “Are you smiling ?!”

And I couldn’t even speak yet, I just hummed and smiled. But I could not help but rejoice because Jesus was with me.

When I went to the operation, right on the operating table, I told the doctors: “I want to pray for you that the Lord through your hands will do what He wants.”

Corr. – How did they react to this?

R. – They first told me: “No, ask the head physician.” I went to the head physician and said: “I want to pray before the operation.” He said, “Are you a believer? Okay, come on, pray. “

I lay down on the operating table, the doctors were standing next to me. I prayed and then read aloud the 23rd psalm “The Lord is my Shepherd …”

When I said, “Amen,” they injected me with anesthesia and I passed out. The operation lasted 9 hours. When I woke up, I could not say a word.

Corr. – Did you had to learn to speak again?

R. – 3-4 days after the operation, I already started to say “mom”,“ daddy ”,“ Jesus ”,“ hallelujah ”. A few simple words, but I spoke!

The speech therapist, who came to me and taught me, when he found out that after 3-4 days I had already begun to speak words, he was very surprised: after such an operation, people begin to speak in six months, not earlier!

Doctors came and filmed me: “We,” they say, “need this for research work at the institute, do you mind?” I say: “No, I don’t mind, it’s only God who can do this.” Then I gave them all Bibles – the head physician, and all the specialists who worked with me. Everyone knew that I was a believer.

Corr. – How did you recover?

R. – First of all, I started listening to Christian music, because I could not even read the Bible. I opened it after the operation, and all the letters seemed to be messed up. I couldn’t read a word! I tried, and I felt bad because I wanted to read and could not. I could only pray, and quote within myself the Scriptures that I knew.

Now about six months have passed, and I am still continuing my treatment. I believe that God will completely heal me so that I can serve Him.

I walk perfectly, drive a car and snowboard. And I am grateful to God that this situation is not in vain.

Corr. – Many people are afraid of such events in life like fire. How do you manage to thank God for this?

R. – In fact, in all this I saw not only a difficulty but also a blessing.

Before, I really wanted to see the miracles of God. I have read and heard a lot about miracles in the Bible or in the lives of others, but what about miracles in my life?

Corr. – Now is your every day a miracle?

R. – Today other people who have faced the same problem turn to me, and they say to me: “Where did you get such a positive attitude? We don’t know what to do: the doctors say we can die. How do you deal with this? ” Many people simply cannot believe that I live with such a disease, I am happy and spend time with my family.

And I answer: “Only with the help of God! The only hope is in Him! “

First, I pray and remain in prayer, trust God and continue to live. I am on treatment, of course, I continue to do what the doctors tell me. But the greatest thing in all this is communication with the living God, who supports me.

Corr. – What do you say to people who also face a difficult situation in their lives?

R. – I know that the most important thing is not to stop fighting and not to lose hope in the Lord, because He gives life. We must trust Him completely, without reserve.

Any person, when he finds himself in a difficult situation, wants to find support, and this is normal. Because there is such a support available for everyone. This is a living God – in Him and in faith in Him lies my support!

Novosibirsk, Russia, March 2018. Interviewed by Sergey Mityanin

Source and photo: https://inlight.news/2018/04/24/n/

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