Many do not understand how we dare to rejoice and have fun when innocent people are dying in Ukraine every day and Iranian suicide bombers are flying. The fact is that on the first military Shabbat, when we definitely did not want to rejoice, the Holy Spirit showed us Psalm 126, which says that God wants to fill our mouths with loud laughter and joyful singing. And this Psalm continues to act, strengthen us and delight us.
The Torah contains incredible words about the Feast of Tabernacles: “At this time you will rejoice and be glad.” Just think! To live in tabernacles, that is, to deprive ourselves of normal, comfortable protection, and remember how God protected our ancestors, although they were unworthy, in order to be sure that He has not changed even now.
It is clear that Ukraine is not a paradise country; a lot of ungodly things happened in it. But when they say that God sent Putin against Ukraine, a number of questions arise in my mind. Because in reality we are all unworthy. Our ancestors in the desert were so unworthy that they literally could not wait 40 days for Moshe to return and staged an orgy around the golden bull. Yet God protected them and guided them, working miracles every day.
This should be a strengthening for all believers in Ukraine. We must be sure that, despite our unworthiness, if we repent (and not only for ourselves, but do deep repentance for all idolatry, corruption and various sins in Ukraine), then God will not just spare us at the last moment, but He will surround us with the joys of salvation and fill us with the deep boldness of His children who follow God along God’s path.
The Feast of Tabernacles reminds us that, despite various tragedies and all the atrocities of the occupiers, we have the right to rejoice and triumph. And we must not allow Satan, among other bad things, to impose chronic sadness on us and drive us into a mourning spirit, which, most likely, will lead to defeat.
Boris Grisenko, rabbi of KEMO/ Не дайте врагу навязать вам хроническую печаль (