God is going to restore to you the years that have been lost

So listen. There are years of our lives that we have all lost. years that we lost because of ignorance. Years that we lost because of bad choices. Years that we lost because of what somebody did to us. Years that we lost because the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. It doesnt matter whose fault it is. What matters is that God is going to restore the years that have been lost and you do not have to worry about all the time because God can make up for it in one moment all the years that have been lost.

He said: “I will restore to you the years”. Somebody has got to say amen today because somebody is going to get some years added to them. He is going to add years to your life. He is going to restore the lost years. He is going to restore what has been broken. He is going to restore what has been lost. The lost opportunities, He will restore. The lost time, He will restore. The lost ideas He will restore. The lost families He will restore. He restored a lost coin to a woman who had lost a coin, He restored a lost sheep to a man who lost his sheep, He restored a lost son to a man who had lost his son. He is the restorer. He will restore. What is the common theme of all these three things that were restored: the coin, the sheep and the son? It was that God did it. It was that God restored. God restores. God is the restorer of all the years.

So when I go to bed at night I do not think about all the years that I lost, I start counting up all the years that are going to be added. I do not fret about all the mistakes that I have made. I think about how He is going to turn them all around. I do not go to bed and worry about all the things I do not have. I go to bed knowing that He is going to avenge me. He is going to restore me. He is going to come through for me because this is who He is.

And our fundamental problem in life is a misunderstanding of who God is. Our fundamental problem in any area of our lives is our wrong concept of God because once you really understand what He really is like you will never worry another day in your life. He will make all things beautiful in His time, so I can relax and trust. He will avenge me, so I can relax and trust. He will restore the years, so I can relax and trust. And He will bring me the harvest, so I can relax and trust.

By Gregory Dickow.

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