Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts! the whole earth is full of His glory! Isaiah 6:3
The Bible teaches us that God is absolutely holy and blameless.
From Genesis to Revelation, God appears before us as a saint, He cannot even look at sin. Christ called from the Cross: “My God! My God! why did you leave me?” (Mark 15:34).
At that terrible moment, the darkness of human sin placed on Christ caused the Father to hide His face from the Son in disgust. At that moment, Jesus experienced the most terrible punishment for our sin – God forsook Him.
If you were asked to make a list of the things you are most grateful to God for, what would you name?
Probably family, health, friends, church – and rightly so! We should thank God for all His gifts.
But the greatest gift is the gift of His Son.
He endured the punishment we deserved to reconcile us to a holy God.
Never take this gift for granted: “Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift!” (2 Cor 9:15).
Author: Billy Graham.
Source: Божья святость (hristiane.ru)