Yury Sipko “I enter into contemplation of the mighty deeds of the Lord God”

“I will  enter into contemplation of the might of the Lord God, and I remember Your righteousness—only Your righteousness.” Psalm 71:16; (direct translation of the Russian Bible).
I enter in. This process is important and necessary.
But how to get out? There is depth here, my brother!
The apostle Paul gives instructions. You can’t argue with that.
“Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but give way to the wrath of God, for it is written: “Vengeance is mine, I will avenge,” says the Lord. Romans 12:19
It will soon be two years since the Russian government started a war against Ukraine.
We can talk a lot about how much sadness this terrible war brought to Ukrainians.
Russia has become the center of world evil.
In Ukraine, the remains of the Christian faith are smoking in ashes.
Bewilderment, confusion, indifference and disappointment have become the main pain of the Christian soul. After all, anger is an unacceptable thing. Anger can be shown by satan’s agent and God. And in this new volcano of evil, not only cities and villages burn, but also the souls of believers whose faith bleeds and is left without life force. Evil has ascended the throne and laughs at faith, destroying holy houses of worship with missiles and bombs and killing the worshipers themselves.
Putin is on the international wanted list as a war criminal.
And rightfully so.
He is an atheist, insatiably hungry for money and a malicious murderer.
But by igniting this war, he drew the peoples of Russia and the whole world into it.
Vengeance, as the manifestation of God’s wrath, was always carried out by the Lord through faithful hands.
Whether it was Abraham rescuing Lot from captivity, whether Gideon freed the people of Israel, or the prophet Elijah, in all these and many other tragic situations, the Lord took revenge, but with faithful hands!
It turns out that Ukraine and the world community, which has risen to protect Ukraine from evil, are carrying out acts of revenge, which are led precisely by God’s righteous anger. And this is very important to understand. Attacking the innocent, murder and robbery, violence and hostage-taking are crimes against God’s lawful love. The defense of the home, the defense of the family, the defense of the church from a rapacious enemy, is an act of God’s righteous wrath and vengeance, and it has always been done and is being done by faithful hands. Those who attacked Ukraine are agents of satan. Those who defend Ukraine are warriors of God’s wrath.
And now the horror of evil has fallen upon Israel. Not for the first time. Since the days of Solomon, Israel has not known peaceful days in its existence.
Israel, under Jehovah’s leadership, defended itself and its faith. He suffered losses but did not give up. And now, in Jehovah’s name, Israel steps up to defend its home, its children, and its faith, fulfilling God’s vengeance! Exactly!
Christians most often subscribe to the principle of “not resisting evil with violence.” This formula was introduced by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. But it doesn’t matter.
The important thing is that those who believe God’s Truth are not ready to defend the Truth. They cannot affirm the principles of Truth. They are unable to follow the principles of Truth because they are self-absorbed, accepting and submitting to the unlimited power of the world’s evil as if it were a blessing from God.
A certain gap in consciousness appears here. And one’s personality inevitably splits. If the Christian church is the kingdom of God on earth, does that mean that God’s power is unlimited in that kingdom?
In the name of God, we proclaim the forgiveness of sins to a person who repents! In the name of God, we send the dead Christian to the eternal abodes of heaven.
It is the authority of the Church of God given by Christ.
Do saints have the right to defend the Truth in the name of God when evil violently attacks the saints, trampling faith and destroying lives?
Do God’s people have the right to be filled with God’s wrath and take revenge on evil, which means resisting evil and punishing evil?
What does this mean, prayerful appeals to the Lord for revenge against evil, in which the saints avoid their duty to defend the truth?
Most likely, such prayers assume that someone will come and restore order, destroy evil by destroying villains. And we accept such restoration of justice and vengeance as God’s righteous act of intercession.
Something about this belief seems wrong to me.
A certain defeat applies with such a position. In this concept is the recognition of the power and superiority of evil.
And such recognition of the power of evil is a betrayal of goodness, a betrayal of our King.
So, we are left with the part of those who weep because we are not empowered to act.
“When I heard these words, I sat down and wept and was sad for many days and fasted and prayed to the God of heaven” Nehemiah 1:4

By Yury Sipko / https://www.facebook.com/ysipko

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