Have I made honoring the Lord the greatest goal of my life and the rule of my conduct? If so, then He will glorify you! It may well happen that for some time people will not glorify you, but God, on the contrary, will glorify you in a very effective way.
In the end, it will turn out then that He alone is the surest path to true glory, if only a person will act according to the will of God, even if he has to first endure all kinds of reproaches for it.
Eli did not glorify God with the correct leadership in his own house, and therefore his sons did not glorify the Lord with the behavior appropriate to their ministry, that is why the Lord did not glorify them and even took away the ministry entrusted to them from the whole family, setting another ruler over the whole country.
If I want at all costs to see my loved ones blessed and ennobled, I certainly need to resolutely glorify the Lord in everything. God may allow the wicked to be crowned with worldly glory, but the dignity that He bestows is honor and glory, as well as lasting life, for those who, in holy obedience, strive to glorify Him.
What can I do today to praise the Lord? I must contribute to His glory by my word and walk. I must honor Him also with my actions, having performed some special service for Him.
Source: http://www.blagovestnik.org/archives/small/s00421-00425.htm