I’ve been trying to tell you this story for a long time now, but somehow I can’t do it. Because it’s so terrible. But anyway, I’ll tell you.
I already had 2 sons. I was pregnant with my third. At that time, women in such a situation were not invited to the doctor for a check-up. But somewhere in the middle, in 1964. In February, I went to check myself. They didn’t do anything but ask questions… You were measured with a tape measure, and they said that the measurements don’t show that you are 5 months pregnant. The doctor was determined that only 4 months, but I knew for sure that 5 months. And the doctor’s word was the law..
I went to work with Jaan and everything was fine. At the end of May, one morning, I felt that I could no longer go to work and was in severe pain. Instead, I went to the doctor to complain that I must be going into labor. The doctor laughed at me that it couldn’t be and admitted me to the hospital for five days. They did what they could to delay the birth. Finally, we were allowed to go home. Jaan came to pick me up by car and I arrived home. It was a beautiful time, the apple trees were blooming. I stood under the window of my home and looked out. Jaan went to take the car to the garage. And then it happened.
I shouldn’t have stood up when the water broke.
Jaan took me back to the hospital on June 3, 1964. I lay on the hard delivery table for 3 whole days, nothing happened. How could the baby come when I had been injected against childbirth for five whole days. (But Jaan, my darling, never went home during that time, he waited in the hospital lobby for a message about me!) There was nothing. The child had died already on the second day, when I was lying on the delivery table, the heartbeat could no longer be heard. (I shouldn’t have stood up after the water broke, because the baby’s umbilical cord fell out.) On the third day, it was decided… I don’t want to talk anymore!
Otherwise, the child was only delivered piece by piece. I was shown the child’s head, the child had black hair on his head. The hospital nurse, who was there, lived in the same building as us but on the second floor, and I learned from her that I had a son. And she also said that he was a timely child in every way. The doctor had informed Jaan down there in the lobby that they were afraid of blood poisoning, that’s why they did it, because the dead child had been in the mother’s body for so long. After all that, I was still in the hospital for several days. Then the baby’s death certificate was brought in while I was in the hospital, and I had to name the baby. I named him “stillborn” (June 5th) and signed…….
Now happier tone. When either of us (or both!) get into the kingdom of God, he, a tiny baby who has not breathed the air of this sinful world, will definitely be there. We are waiting for the time when we can meet our precious son there where the days are no longer counted!
“Praise Jehovah, my soul, and forget not all His good deeds!” Psalm 103:3.
By Taimi Ploompuu.