What if I told you about people who considered themselves superior people? They were stronger, smarter and more attractive. They were going to cleanse their land of immigrants and foreigners, cleanse them of everyone different from themselves. And those who remained became persecuted minorities.
Isn’t that how you feel about Israel? More and more he is being portrayed this way. But in reality it is a description of Iran, Nazi Germany or any of the territories controlled by the Islamic State. Contrary to the lies of anti-Semitic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who recently (article published in 2019) said that Muslims do not have religious freedom in Israel, Israeli Muslims are the freest in the Middle East. I repeat, when she said that Muslims do not have freedom to practice their faith, it was an absolute lie.
Created out of necessity
To understand why Israel is the opposite of racism, you must understand the origins of Israel. Unlike Nazi Germany, Israel never sought to create a master race. Unlike the Islamic State, which wants to take control of the entire world through Islam, Israel was created out of “the need to survive.” There was a real threat to the Jewish people.
After two thousand years of wandering the Jewish people around the world, the level of persecution increased rapidly in the late 19th century. Not that everything was easy before this. In the 17th century, about 100 thousand Jews were exterminated in Ukraine during the reign of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Tens of thousands of Jews were forced to leave their homes and livelihoods in Spain at the end of the 15th century. Thousands of Jews were killed during the Crusades.
The birth of the father of Zionism
But at the end of the 19th century pogroms broke out in Russia, Poland and Ukraine. At that time, young Theodor Herzl did not think that Jews needed their own country. He simply wanted the people of all countries to accept the Jews living among them as equals. He was an anti-Zionist.
However, when he covered the trial of Alfred Dreyfus in France for the Viennese newspaper for which he worked, he was shocked. It was clear that Dreyfus was innocent. A Jewish officer was arrested on trumped-up charges brought by anti-Semites in the French army. When he was convicted and sent to Devil’s Island, Herzl became convinced that Jews would never be accepted among the nations. We need our own country!
He wrote a book called “The Jewish State” and began promoting Zionism around the world. As a secular prophet, he called for the restoration of Israel on its own territory.
The Opposite of Racism
So you can see that Israel was not born out of Jewish racism towards others, but out of racism towards Jews in almost every nation in the world. However, we asked the Arabs living in this region not to leave, but to stay and become equal citizens of our newborn state. Read this excerpt from the Declaration of Independence proclaimed by the first Prime Minister on May 14, 1948:
“We appeal, in the midst of the aggression directed against us, which has been going on for several months, to the Arab population of the State of Israel to maintain peace and participate in the creation of a state on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all temporary and permanent bodies.”
Did the Nazis make such an offer to the Jews? Is the Islamic State trying to give equal rights to minorities? No! Half a million Jews decided to leave their countries after Israel’s independence, and the only state that could protect them was the newly formed Jewish state, which proved the need for its existence!
About 800 thousand Arabs fled Israel during the War of Independence at the insistence of neighboring Arab countries. They began to destroy Israel before it even began. These Arabs were told (by the surrounding Arab countries) to leave only for a while, and that they could return for spoils after victory. The remaining 600 thousand Arabs became Israeli citizens, and those who left in the hope of Israel’s destruction became refugees. The descendants of the remaining Arabs are full and free citizens of Israel.
For more than 70 years, oil-rich Arab countries have done everything in their power to continue to keep these 800,000 escaped Arabs (and now their descendants) in refugee camps. They could have accepted and integrated them into the people of their countries, but instead treated them horribly so that they could remain a political indictment against Israel. Thousands of Palestinian refugees have been killed in the Syrian civil war without you even hearing about it. The fact is that the racism of the Arab peoples towards the Palestinian Arabs is simply terrible. In English they talk about poor Palestinians, but Arabs curse them.
Palestine question
Palestinians are not the same as Israeli Arabs. Palestinians are essentially Jordanians. After Israel became a state, Jordan absorbed the West Bank (ancient Judea and Samaria). They never proposed turning this territory into a “Palestinian state.” There was no such thing as a Palestinian Arab ethnicity. They became Jordanians. The word “Palestinians” meant any inhabitant of this territory – Jew, Arab or European.
But during the Six Day War, after Israel promised not to attack Jordan, Jordan attacked Israel. Within two days, Israel drove them out of Jerusalem and the West Bank. It was a quick and unexpected victory. Suddenly Israel was faced with managing the livelihoods of more than a million new people. Returning the land – again, we only returned it because we were attacked – was illogical from a security point of view. Of course, this is a difficult question. But this is not about apartheid or racism, it is about security.
I would be lying if I said that Israel is a completely racism-free country. But I can tell two truths: the negative feelings of Israelis towards the surrounding Arab peoples and Palestinians are the result of the fact that they hate us. We would like to live in peace with them. And secondly, if you come to Israel, you will see that Israel is the country that is most accepting of other cultures and peoples. This is a wonderful country!
By Ron Kantor / messiahsmandate.org