Live without fear!

How many of us all make mistakes in life and then suffer from these mistakes. And so it happens that our friends and relatives suffer for our mistakes. The consequences of mistakes can be very painful, but there is consolation that all this passes and God’s help comes in time and situations change. And if we have not hardened our hearts, then we are able to make the right analysis and make decisions for the future and not repeat these mistakes again!

But we make mistakes because we are afraid and worried! When fear comes into our lives for various reasons, then along with the spirit of fear, stupidity also comes into our lives. Wisdom leaves our hearts and in its place comes fear and lack of understanding of how to act and what to do. Fear paralyzes a person and torments him. But God prepared a way out of this for us! God did not give the Spirit of fear to us, because God is love and peace!

The Bible has instructions for victory!

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

So it turns out that God has not given us and never gives us the spirit of fear, but on the contrary, the spirit of strength, love and sound mind and another translation says that the spirit of self-control!
We should not be afraid and fear, we should be bold and brave! God loves you and will help you in any situation! Thank God!
Pray to God and give thanks for courage and wisdom! Renounce fear and drive fear out of your heart! God will help you in this and will give you strength!

Peace and blessings to all! The Lord is near! Shalom! Baruch Hashem!

By Ella Armand.

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