“Yet my Lord will supply all your needs…” Philippians 4:19
There is a big difference between needs and wants. Desires originate from very different sources. Some are based on camaraderie and friends, while some are based on age or stage of life. A lifeless TV set can affect your perception of needs more than you might think.
In the midst of all influences, Yahweh will not guarantee you everything you require. A good father does not give in to all the child’s whims. No, he carefully considers what the real needs are and decides what is best and when the child is ready to receive it.
Reconciliation presupposes growth. It means understanding and accepting that if Yahweh doesn’t give you certain things, you don’t need them, at least not at this moment. If it was an unavoidable need, He would have already provided you with it. Every time you discover a difference between what you thought you needed and what you actually got, trust Yahweh and thank Him for it. He knows what is best.
Remember that you must be healthy – just as your soul is doing well (see 3 John 2). Spiritual growth should be our primary goal. Everything else is provided to us according to how our soul is doing.
It is important to take care of the right heart attitude towards Yahweh, because what good is it, “if you gain the whole world and lose your soul?” (see Mk 8: 36). Don’t get stressed, don’t burn yourself out, don’t be jealous and don’t panic about getting things. Keep your head clear! Seek first His kingdom, but He will give you everything else as well (see Mt 6: 33). This is Yahweh’s promise!
Bob & Debby Gass “Word for Today.”