Marriage contract

“Show honor to women as co-heirs of the gift of life.” (1 Peter 3:7)

A good marriage relies on mutual sacrifice. Adam had to give a part of himself in order for Eve to be born. Your wife knows you love her when you are willing to sacrifice something important to you to ensure her needs and well-being.

There are men who want to be married but live like bachelors. They don’t want to sacrifice time, attention or resources. In fact, they do not want a husband, but a maid.

However, the Bible says the opposite – both you and your spouse are joint heirs. Spouses are equal partners.

Her opinions, thoughts and perspectives are important.

As the head of your home, you are responsible and have the final say, but it is wise to listen to your wife and take her words into account.

Your wife values you if you value her (see Eph 5, 29). If your wife is cold, you should ask yourself why she became like that.

Ice stays in cold environments – remember men are thermostats and women are thermometers.

Melt your wife: love, care, appreciate and protect her.

Bob & Debby Gass “Word for Today.”

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“About THIS”: about troubled marriages, probation, and the like

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