Perseverance is the key

1 Kings 18:43-44

Even when it seems like nothing is happening, God is doing something.

Read 1 Kings 18:43-44. Elijah believed that God would give rain and end the drought and he prayed without ceasing. Apparently, the rest of the people thought he was crazy because he believed in something that seemed impossible to everyone. But Elijah remained faithful to God.

Persistence is key

We can apply something similar in our lives. If there is a drought, are we willing to pray and pray and not stop until we see rain? This Scripture teaches that prayer and perseverance together are the keys to success. Every time Elijah heard “No” from the servant, he continued to pray and told him to go back and look. The servant went seven times before he came with an affirmative answer. What would have happened if Elijah had struck his hand before that?

We give up too often – when we have a bad day, when someone says something bad or when an opportunity we hoped for falls through. However, we must understand that our prayers do not go in vain but prepare for a breakthrough. God sent Elijah a small sign – a cloud, and soon after that came a great downpour. Even if you don’t see much progress today, God is already forming little clouds in your life.

Is there an area in your life where you have given up? Is it really just a short distance to victory? Stand firm on God’s Word, knowing that He is gathering clouds for you.

Think about that: Are you praying for something and at the same time you have ignored small improvements in this area? Start thanking God for those small victories. They can be a harbinger of great victories in the future.

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