Someone said that talent (gift, talent, uniqueness) is like a bag that the Lord throws on a person’s shoulder. Man has to carry it. And man is like a postman that must deliver a gift. But what is the person himself like is another question. I want the gift and the person to be worthy of each other. After all, we want the so-awaited postman to be a ‘person’.
Matthew 7:22 Many shall say to me this day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and cast out devils in Thy name, and done many great works in Thy name? 23 And I say unto them, I have never known you; Depart from me, ye transgressors! ”
I think God is not judging gifts, but a postman. As human beings, we should strive for perfection – to be equal to our gifts.
We pray that we, as “millionaires,” would be worthy of our gifts!
Blessings for the coming anniversary of the republic.
Pastor Paul Armand