“The powerful intercession of the right person can accomplish many things.” (James 5:16)
While on vacation in England, D. L. Moody visited a London church where the spirit had died. The pastor recognized Moody and asked him to give the morning sermon. Moody reluctantly agreed.
After the sermon, he told one of his friends that the congregation had been so indifferent that the only thing he could do was stop the sermon. Later he remembered that he had promised to give a sermon in the evening in the same church. Moody was annoyed and worried about the evening service ahead.
But something was happening behind the scenes that Moody was unaware of. After the morning service, an older church member had lunch with his sister and told her about Moody’s evening sermon.
The sister’s eyes flashed with happiness and she exclaimed, “I’ve been praying for Moody to come to England! Lunch is over, dear! We are fasting and praying all afternoon for tonight’s service.”
When Moody preached in the evening, God’s presence filled the church. He preached with passion, and when he called to the altar, five hundred people came forward. Thinking they had misunderstood, Moody asked them to sit down and explained the content of the altar call again. Then when he called to the altar a second time, the same people came to the altar again. That night five hundred people accepted Yeshua and one of the greatest revivals in England had taken place.
So what happened? Two older ladies said that their church was in dire need of the fire of the Holy Spirit.
They believed in God’s promise: “The powerful intercession of the right person will accomplish many things.” (Jk 5:16)
Pray now. Your prayers can ignite God’s fire and make him do great things.
Bob and Debby Gass.