Prophetic Word: This Is Your Gethsemane Moment

The Spirit of the Lord showed me that it all started when He summoned the devil for His purposes.

When Jesus said to Judas, “What you are about to do, do quickly” (John 13:27 NIV), He did so because Father God was saying the same thing. And Father God knew that it was time for Jesus to go to the cross and complete His eternal destiny, so He–the Lord–summoned the devil to fulfill His–God’s–purposes and crucify Jesus.

In the same way, several months ago, Father has allowed you and me to be tested and examined by the devil. He did this because He knew our mettle, just as He knew Job’s mettle.

For the last 4.5 months, the devil has been testing God’s people and thinking he was going to be able to kill us. However, the Lord has used him to bring us to our Gethsemane moment.

You are now in your Gethsemane moment.

Gethsemane is a time not often talked about in the Body of Christ. Yet, it was one of the most crucial moments–perhaps THE most crucial moment–of Jesus’ ministry. In Gethsemane:

  • No one invited Jesus to minister, yet the entire fate of His ministry was decided there.
  • All of Jesus’ friends abandoned Him.
  • No one was ministering to Jesus’ heart or to His needs, despite it being His darkest hour.
  • No one but the Father and His angels cared about Jesus personally–as a person, not just a teacher, minister, or miracle-worker–in Gethsemane.
  • Jesus was overlooked, passed by, and ignored by those whom He loved the most.
  • The only people paying attention to Him were the ones who wanted to kill Him.
  • His pain was so great that natural biological processes that should have come easily (sweating) turned into the shedding of innocent blood.
  • In Gethsemane, Jesus had to say “Yes” to the Father, even though it meant continued and protracted pain.

This is your Gethsemane moment.

If this word is for you, then for some time now–at least the last 4.5 months as of the time of this writing (since the end of March 2022), you have been tortured by the enemy as you have never been tortured before. This means:

  • You have battled for your mind and for your very sanity.
  • You have literally felt like you were losing your mind, and have been afraid of that even though you haven’t verbalized your fear.
  • Things which should have come easily to you–and which usually do come easily–have required virtual, proverbial shedding of your own life’s blood to accomplish.
  • All hopes have been deferred and your heart has sickened like never before.
  • You have felt lifeless and joy-less. All joy seems to have fled your life and all your emotions have seemed flat.
  • You’ve been unable to shake a deep depression, even though you’re not usually a depressed person.
  • You have been unable to rest, for resting by yourself has been more depressing than continuing to work and labor. At least, around others, you have had the support of community in the Body of Christ, even though they didn’t know what you were going through.
  • You have lost hope and battled despair too many times to count.
  • The stress of your life has felt like a vise-grip on your head; you can physically feel the pressure, and it makes you feel literally insane and wanting to hide in a dark closet with your hands covering your head.
  • Your brain has been misfiring when you have normally been sharp all your life.
  • You don’t want to die, but you have no desire to live either.
The Father has brought you to your Gethsemane moment.

It is in this moment that you are faced with a choice: a choice to live on and serve God, no matter what it costs, or not. But, the ironic thing is that you have come so far with God that you know you truly have no choice. And looking at the situation …

… Even though you know that that things may never get better or improve …

… Even if your joy never returns and you are always flat, the rest of your life …

… Even if you feel like the stress is killing you in every moment with no relief …

… And even when you understand that saying your “Yes” to God may very well be agreeing to a life filled with protracted pain and agony, physically, mentally, relationally, and in every other way …

In this Gethsemane moment, you have come to a place where you realize you have no choice.

You realize in this place that you prayed the prayer some months ago, “Lord, not my will, but Your will be done.” And in this place the Scripture comes to mind from Philippians 3:10-11:

“that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead” (Philippians 3:10-11).

And you know that you will follow Him and keep showing up to be faithful to Him every day, even if you never feel joy again and life never gets better from the pain you’re currently experiencing. Like Jesus, you are saying to the Lord while staring at the cross: “Nevertheless, not my will, but Your will be done.”

You have experienced His power, but the Lord is allowing you to experience His death in a new way in this season.

In this hour, the Father is bringing you into a level of companionship with Jesus that you could not have had any other way. And in this place of contempt, in which all the people you relied on seem to have abandoned you and all the troubles of the world seem to have overcome you, you are being conformed to the death of Christ.

But there’s a resurrection coming.

You see no hope now, but a resurrection is coming. You have been in one of the darkest times of your life, but hope dawns on the third day.

You have willingly and faithfully submitted to your Lord, and the morning is going to come in which He says, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord.”

Resurrection always follows crucifixion for those who are in Christ.

It is not your life being lived through you, but Christ’s. Not your flesh, but His alone is sure and certain. He goes before you, behind you, and burns as a fire within you, and only He can be relied upon.

Now that you have been through a greater measure of His death, He can entrust you with more as well.

The resurrection coming will be bright and beautiful.

For all the years and even the months and days in which the enemy has robbed you of your joy, the Lord is going to restore sevenfold to you. Jesus Christ, the Sheriff in town, is right now going before you to prepare a way for His beloved–YOU!–to manifest His victory on the earth.

You thought everything had been stolen and you had nothing to live for, but the Lord restored Job and He is going to restore you too. He has allowed the devil to test you and examine you, but only because He knew all along that the resurrection power of Christ would be manifest in you afterward more than ever before.

Lift up your eyes and see, for your redemption draws near.

A brighter third day is dawning. This has been your Gethsemane moment, but hope is not lost. You have made the choice to follow the Son of God even if it costs your life or a life of pain, and although you cannot see the light yet, Father says to you today that resurrection is your portion.

It won’t be long now.

Disappointments, disillusionment, and despair won’t last always. Hope is coming. A brighter day is dawning. Remember the words of God the Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul:

This is a faithful saying:

For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him.
If we endure, we shall also reign with Him.
If we deny Him, He also will deny us.
If we are faithless, He remains faithful;
He cannot deny Himself
” (2 Timothy 2:11-13 NKJV).

Trust in Christ, and remember that He is the Resurrection AND the Life. He will not withhold His life from you, and He will never forget to visit you with His resurrection, for He cannot deny Himself.

Source: Prophetic Word: This Is Your Gethsemane Moment (

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