Remember your helpers

“You sent me help more than once when I needed it.” (Philippians 4:16)

Pastor Charles Swindoll told the story of the generous tree.

“When the boy was small, he used to eat apples and sleep in the shade of the tree. As time passed and he grew up, he spent less and less time at the tree.

“Come on, let’s play!” said the tree. The young man was more interested in money.

“You can sell my apples,” offered the tree. The young man did so and was very satisfied. The man did not come again for a long time and when he finally passed the tree, the latter was very happy.

“Come on, let’s play!” called the tree.

The man was tired of the world and wanted to get away from it all.

“Cut me down, take my trunk, make a boat out of it and sail away from here,” said the tree.

The man did so and the tree was happy. Many years passed.

Finally the man came back. He was too old to play, chase money or sail the seas.

“My stump is good and big, sit and rest,” said the tree.

The man did so and the tree was happy.

Swindoll continued: “I sat and thought about my life. I was both a tree and a boy at the same time, and I was in pain.

How many trees have been in my path?

How many people have sacrificed themselves for me to grow, achieve my goals and find peace of mind?

Thank You, Lord, for each one. I went to bed with a lighter and humbler heart. I was grateful that I had thought about it.”

Paul remembered his benefactors, don’t forget yours.”

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