Revelation as a blessing

Old article.

We are currently living in a lifetime according to the Jewish calendar. This means that the Jewish new year 5779 is about to begin. And according to their religion, this is the time when God gives them a special opportunity to repent so that the following year will be good for them, so that they will be healthy and successful. I believe this is a special time for Christians as well, where the Holy Spirit moves in a special way, wishing us well through revelations and wisdom so that we will be more blessed in the coming year.

The Sages of the Torah claim that the Second Temple was destroyed because of the sin of hating one another without cause. But this happened because they did not serve their God with joy.

Why? The answer is that where there is no joy, sooner or later “hate without a reason” will arise. If we are not happy, negativity immediately arises.

Let’s remember this and let us not allow ourselves to think negative thoughts, let’s always be positive. And then there will also be love between people for no reason! This recipe has passed the test of centuries.

Ezra 7:23 Whatever the God of heaven commands, let it be done with zeal for the house of the God of heaven, so that His anger will not rise against the king’s possessions or his sons. (Immediately, diligently, thoroughly, carefully)

1 Cor 3:17 If anyone desecrates the temple of God, God will destroy him, because the temple of God is holy, and that temple is you.

Prov 18:18 He who separates himself satisfies selfish desires, he forsakes all practical wisdom.

Unfortunately, many if not most Christians think that Holy Spirit is supposed to make them feel good! In fact, however, Holy Spirit leads the faithful to practice the Word of God and learn to rejoice.

Renew the mind with the Word. Think of what is above! Pray without ceasing! Give thanks for everything! All Scriptures about the coming millennium, the new heaven and earth, the heavenly Jerusalem, etc…

Blurry eye brings problems for a long time.

Numbers 13:33 We saw giants there, sons of Anak, descended from giant tyrants. We were like grasshoppers compared to them, both in our eyes and in their eyes.

Here we see God’s will that the spiritual, through practice, gives or enables physical blessings to be received. Just by practicing. Not just through some ‘heavenly tremor’ or ‘I feel something’. Because it doesn’t last forever. But we should be positive all the time.

Now look at the comparison between the second temple and the Holy Spirit temple, which is your body – the body. If a believer is sick, something is broken – broken, and the reason for this is disobedience to God!

Let’s learn to enjoy God and then your life will change 180 degrees.

Ps 37:4 May Jehovah be your greatest joy, and He will fulfill the desires of your heart.
Ps 97:11 Light shines on the righteous, joy sends from the heart of the upright.
Prov 17:22 A joyful heart brings good healing, but an oppressed spirit dries up the bones.

May the joy of the Lord be your strength!


Pastor Paul Armand

Write to us if you have lost your joy in the Lord. We will pray for you and your loved ones.

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