Shalom, dear ones!

Blessings to you and your family!

May the peace of God protect you and keep you from evil!

“Always rejoice. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” First Epistle to the Thessalonians 5:16-18

I encourage myself and you to rejoice and thank God for everything that is now in your life!

For joy and success, for failures and shortcomings, for changes and progress, for debts and needs! God did not make a mistake in our lives, this was sent to us as a test, as an opportunity to get closer to the Lord! We made a mistake, and He helps us fix everything!

Give thanks with all your heart and in joy and this is all for the benefit of us all!
Give thanks, give thanks and give thanks!
God is with each of us, and helps and turns everything for our good if we approach Him with thanksgiving!

Let us not be discouraged, but give thanks and correct our hearts! God is near and protects us all! Glory to Him and thanksgiving!

Shalom Yerushalayim! Victory for Israel!

Shalom to all!

Pastor Ella Armand.

Shalom, dear ones!

Blessings to all and peace! Rosh Hashanah is approaching, we thank the Almighty for His mercy and kind .....

Shalom, dear ones!

Blessings to all and peace! Let us praise Him for this glorious day!Let us praise Him for your .....

Shalom, dear ones!

Blessings and peace in your heart! The holiday of Sukkot is approaching! Let us rejoice that the Almighty .....

Shalom, dear ones!

Blessings and peace to all! The Lord's mercy appears continually in the lives of each of you! Glory .....

Shalom, dear ones!

Blessings to all and God's peace! Do not be afraid and do not be discouraged, the Lord is .....

Shalom, dear ones!

Blessings to everyone and God's peace in hearts and homes! Our whole life has cause and effect! Sowing .....

Shalom, dear ones!

Blessings to all and peace in your hearts! Dear ones, do not be afraid, do not be dismayed, .....

Shalom, dear ones!

Blessings to all and peace to hearts and health to bodies! May the grace of God be multiplied .....

Shabbat Shalom, dear ones!

Blessings from the Lord to everyone and your homes, family and friends! We live in very important and .....

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