Blessings to all and peace!
Let us praise Him for this glorious day!
Let us praise Him for your strength and health!
Let us praise Him for every breath and exhalation!
Let us praise Him for the fact that the old has passed and the new is breathing in our faces!
Forget that which was bad and don’t remember the evil!
Forgive everyone and everything, and let yourself go!
And if you offended someone, then ask for forgiveness!
Cleanse your heart before God and put things in order with people!
Look forward with hope and faith!
Be generous and sociable!
God is good and merciful! Generous and very merciful!
God’s good plans for one and all!
Gmar hatima tova!
Shana tova u-metuka!
Through the sound of the shofar let us unite with the Creator!
Pastor Ella Armand.