This morning as I looked out the window I encountered something very unique. In fact, I cannot recall ever noticing this before. I looked out upon my snow covered front yard I heard the persistent chirping of birds. This is strange because that ever present soundtrack of Spring and Summer is muted during the Winter months. (as the birds repudiate the insult “bird-brain” by leaving the freezing temperatures in favor of those warmer areas south of us) But now as I look upon my snow covered street I hear the birds defiantly resisting the bonds of Winter by singing the celebratory ballads of warmer days.
As I thought of their certainty in song proclaiming a season of change forthcoming, I was reminded of how odd the Christian must appear in the world. We sing amid the cold blanket of sin, brokenness, corruption, and tears. We sing of love, forgiveness, righteousness, and a conquering King bringing a perfect kingdom. We are strange birds indeed.
As I listen even now to their confident song amid the frigid temperatures, I am reminded of my own certainty amid this blistering air of sin. God will indeed cause his sun to rise upon his people in the kingdom of his beloved Jesus!
By Erik Raymond / Strange Birds