“The Apple of Divorce”. 1. My Garden of Eden

“To be or not to be” is the eternal question hanging in the air since the Garden of Eden…

Whether to be happy or unhappy? To be together or divorced? Take responsibility or blame? Love or cheat? Fight for the family or surrender?

So many questions have hung in the air since Eden in the heart of a woman and a man. The pain of the modern Adam cries out, rejecting any attempt to allow Eve to be co-heir. The resentment and self-condemnation of Eve takes away the power to approach the heart of her husband, forgiving him all the accusations …

The evil one managed to slip the “apple of divorce” into everyone’s hand.
How could he DIVIDE and deceive the husband and wife? Those whom God himself personally entrusted: His essence, power, strength, position of a partner, owner of the earth, the ability to create and manage, multiply and to be fruitful, to fill the whole earth with His Kingdom …

I will not touch husbands that is not my profile))

But I’ll definitely take care of Eve and her mistakes, because they haunt me to this day, everyone is trying to catch up and remind me that my place is outside my husband and outside the garden …

And first, I’ll start with myself.

12 years ago, I annoyed my husband so much with my competition with him, competitiveness, independence and obstinacy that I did not notice how the deepest crisis in the relationship had come. I fell in love with my image of an “independent business woman” so much from the age of 18 that I unconsciously began to destroy everything that was shaky and short-lived.

Still, sometimes crises in the family are very useful, giving you a chance to stop in your beliefs, habits, communication style and reconsider everything: what is really important and valuable to you? What are you holding on to and what are you losing? Who is dear to you? And whom you made from friend to enemy in your own bedroom?
It is more useful to admit your mistakes and turn them into life lessons than to fight for your innocence and wait until ” the husband realizes where he needs to change.”

It was then that Eve came to my aid, from her every woman has her own gene))

And what did I get from Eve from the Garden of Eden?

The garden for which I was created, in order to create  together with my husband.

The garden that God planted for the family, the realization of vocation and election and how I became the Woman who makes the man who stands next to her perfect.

What were our roles? What features? What did we leave in the Garden of Eden? What have we actually lost?

We women, like the Eves, the ones who give life, are the source of beauty, inspiration, motivation – what have we missed?
And why do we need to go back to the Garden of Eden and find this treasure that Eve lost there?

What can and do we want to do so that Adam becomes Adam again and we are the Crown of Creation? Not the one who is cowardly, having lost his vision and essence, who is forced to work in the sweat of his brow and eat thorns. But that Adam, who was a reflection of the essence of God, received the power and image of God along with Eve. What did Eve allow to happen, how did she contributed so that the strong turned into the weak?

Is it possible to return His image and likeness to your family and heart, turning the ruins into a place for a walk with God, where God is constantly present, and we, like in the Garden of Eden, are constantly next to Him and in Him?

Source: «Яблоко развода». 1. Мой Эдемский сад | Статьи на inVictory

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