The Middle Ages in the 21st century. A conflict with medicine and faith

I study the biblical vision of health. And that is why, as I look through the comments and interact with people, I see more and more of the danger of some extremes that Christians find themselves in.

There are two concepts in mathematics: consistency and discretion. The first is clear – speaks for itself. The other is the opposite, the antonym. Discrete means intermittent. For example, a segment exists, then it does not exist, it exists again, it does not exist again, and so on. Such an incomprehensible dashed line.

So some Christians, while proclaiming unwavering faith, also deny it. The faith that should be constant in the Christian’s heart is made intermittent and discreet. Sometimes it should exist and sometimes it shouldn’t exist.

Ask how they do it?

They convince us that we must believe in healing and that is why we do not need medicine. When we go to the doctors, it means that we do not believe in a healing God.

Lord, where does this teaching come from?

Why, then, do those Christians who claim this go to the shop and prepare the table and do not believe that God can take care of them and prepare the table for them? Is it not written that Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies? Isn’t God meeting the needs?

Why do they drive cars and vehicles? Have you read about Elijah’s chariot, Philip’s taxi, or Christ’s ascension? Or is God no longer the same? Or you have no faith?

And if the car breaks down, isn’t God strong enough to fix it, because anything is possible for a believer! Especially to God!

But when it comes to doctors, a skeptical reaction immediately arises: “Don’t you have faith?”

Going to the doctors seems to give people hope that they will definitely help and therefore there is a danger of losing faith in God.

My friends! Doctors and physicians know more than others that medicine is not omnipotent. There are morgues in the hospitals. Doctors know about incurable diseases, they know about diseases that take people to another world when medicine is powerless.

Does going to the doctor prevent you from believing in this case? Or does going to the doctor (shop, car repair) weaken our trust in God?

If you think so then your faith is weakened!

You live in fear of losing faith as soon as you open the door of the doctor’s office! Thank God that your faith still breathes when you go shopping, but trust God that He will take care of you!

I am convinced that we ALWAYS need faith!

We pray – we believe in God!

Let’s drive a car – we believe God will help and save!

Let’s turn to the doctors – we still trust only in the Lord and make sure that our hearts do not tune in to the words of encouragement of the doctors or grieve over their poor predictions. God is our strength and power!

Not only during prayers! But always!

Let’s be wise and believe truly, not foolishly (I don’t use the word “crazy” because I remember Paul’s words – I’m not talking about it).

I am tired of hearing stories of Christians in the different countries I visit, Christians who did not give treatments to their children, even though they could have done so, and they died of disease, but could continue to live freely! Tired of hearing from those who died of AIDS because they did not want to take ARV treatment, believing that God would be their healer. I cry when I am told that everything could have had a different outcome, but a lie picked up at a conference or a church killed a person because of his or her own actions or those of his or her loved ones.

Of course everything happens. And it cannot be avoided.

But speak not of the faith which dwelleth in the church and in the places of worship and is corrupted in the doctors offices and hospital rooms. This is not faith! These people wear pink glasses with blinds on all sides that prevent them from looking around and seeing the truth!

I believe with all my heart what is written, “Through His blood you are healed,” and I believe that God will work miracles. But at the same time, please do not limit God! Don’t tell Him how to act — naturally or supernaturally, by a miracle or with the help of people and medicine.

Well, the Bible does not tell the story of a good Samaritan who went to a wounded man, laid his hands on him, prayed, proclaimed, broke the curse of thieves and went his own way. Or no! Took a donation and then just left.

The Samaritan “went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him.” (Luke 10:34).

What is this? This is first aid! This is what Jesus Christ, in whom we believe, speaks.

Did Jesus really teach unbelief and should a true Christian only pray and believe, confess and proclaim?

Definitely not! Faith without works is dead.

We must sincerely believe in God’s help and protection, but we must also take the responsibility that God has given to people for their own lives and the lives of those around them. It must be understood that this stupidity of Christians is frustrating at best, but it can be even worse, with far more tragic consequences.

Faith should not be discreet!

It is necessary to believe in God always and constantly – in prayer, the church.

Source: Средневековье в 21 веке. О конфликте веры с медициной | Статьи на inVictory

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