The story about a young man who was hired as a switchman

I heard a story about a young man who was hired as a switchman. As part of the training, the supervisor took him to the railway area, where the young man was to start working. The instructor showed the young man a lever and asked him if he understood what it was and how it worked. The young man confirmed that he understood. The instructor then decided to test him and narrated a hypothetical situation.

He said: “Suppose a train comes from the north at 80 km/h and from the south at 60 km/h. You are standing here at the lever, the lever is stuck, what do you do?”

The young man thought for a moment and said, “I’ll run and call uncle Jed.”

The conductor couldn’t believe his ears and repeated: “It means… You have two trains that are speeding in each other’s direction when combined, at a speed of 140 km/h, you stand here at the lever and call uncle Jed? Why are you doing this?”

The young man replied. “Well, sir, uncle Jed has seen everything in his life, but never such a massive accident.”

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