What abundance was Jesus talking about and what it has to do with money

The Gospel of John says:

“The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came so that they might have life and have it abundantly ”(John 10:10).

For a sick person it can be health, for a poor person – money, for parents – happiness of children, but is there something more in this concept? What excess is Jesus talking about, and is it possible for us to enjoy a fulfilling life every day?

Nothing is more satisfying than walking with God and doing His will.

“For Jesus, the Father’s will was not difficult, boring, and burdensome. Some Christians believe that if you truly obey God, you can forget about all the fun. But the opposite is true, ”wrote Ulf Ekman in his book Day after Day with God. – “Obedience to God brings the greatest joy and satisfaction, and also develops personality. God’s will was food for Jesus. What does it mean? Food is essential for life. You cannot live without food. Likewise, if we ignore the will of God we cannot live a fulfilling life. Food is essential for health. Likewise, God’s will gives life, health and strength to our entire being. Food satiates. Likewise, the will of God saturates our inner man. Food includes communication. Likewise, God’s will, when we follow it, gives us an experience of fellowship with God and other people, and it cannot be experienced in any other way. Food brings joy. Nothing is more satisfying than walking with God and doing His will. “

“Beloved! I pray that you will be healthy and prosperous in everything, as your soul prospers ”(3 John 1: 2).

Leonid Padun, senior bishop of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church, told where the abundant life is:

“Life with abundance encompasses everything – both the spiritual sphere, the soul and the material, but it begins within us.

From the very beginning, God provided for an abundant life to accompany us constantly. When a person’s life is just emerging, the embryo enters the most comfortable place for him – in the womb, where he has at his disposal all the necessary vital elements and protection from all sides. After birth, the child is placed in a family that cares for him in the best possible way.

But it is God’s will for our entire life to be abundant life. When we are born again, we are spiritual babies, and God places us in the Church, about which Jesus Christ said: “I will create My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). The enemy cannot steal, kill and destroy when we are in the Church, and it is in the Church that God has prepared abundant life for us. “

Alexey Kolomiytsev, pastor of the Word of Grace Church in Bettle Ground, Washington, USA, is sure: “The main goal of Jesus Christ, as a true Shepherd, is to bring his sheep to a full life, or, in His words, to an abundant life. Every person living on earth strives for happiness, often not understanding what it is, what he is looking for. Jesus came to earth in order to save people from sin and death, to bring them to a fulfilling life, full of peace and deep contentment. “

Eduard Deremov, bishop, head of the Exodus association of churches, pastor of the church in Rostov-on-Don, replied that he considers excess: “What is excess? This is when you have peace with the people around you. Of course, it is not possible to have peace with everyone, but most importantly, you have peace in your heart, inside, in your soul! When you have more than enough, and you still share with other people, this is excess. “

Andrew Wommack, author, president and founder of Andrew Wommack Ministries, cited the main reason why we don’t live fulfilling lives.

“The main reason why we don’t live a fulfilling life in God is because we settle for less. Too many Christians make this mistake, even within the church, we often don’t believe in healing, provision, and other things that should be believed. We are afraid to be disappointed, we are afraid of condemnation, therefore we agree to less.

Many of us were brought up and absolutely all are subject to the influence of godless culture. It takes time to learn to live a fulfilling life in God. God has much more for us than we can imagine.

There is one example. Once during a prayer a man came up to me and said that he was suffering from severe pain in his neck. Due to the clamping of the sciatic nerve, the pain spread throughout the back and legs. The list of diagnoses continued for a long time. But then he said, “If God could just heal my neck, then I could sleep normally.” I looked at him and said, “Yes, of course I understand. If we asked God to heal everything at once, the lights in heaven would probably burn out. I’m not sure if God could handle everything. ”

And then he understood why he still hadn’t received complete healing.

Christians must walk in supernatural healing. They must walk in financial prosperity. However, most of them are just as sick and suffering as their unsaved neighbors. You Can’t Get The Best Of God While You Are

You cannot get the best of God as long as you are content with the mediocre.

One day we will all stand before God. And when this happens, we will know everything (1 Cor. 13:12). In an instant, we will know what we could have while on this earth. We will understand that the same power that raised Christ from the dead was constantly in us (Eph. 1: 18-20).

We will find that we did not need to be sick, that we did not need to live in poverty, and that we did not need to get depressed and discouraged. We will understand that love, joy, peace, longsuffering, meekness, kindness, faith, meekness and abstinence have lived within us all this time (Gal. 5: 22-23).

We don’t have to go into heaven hobbling around and saying, “Praise God, we did it.” We can now live in abundance. Jesus died to deliver us “from the present evil age” (Gal. 1: 4), not just the one to come. “

Source: https://www.invictory.org/articles/spirituality/8889-o-kakom-izbytke-govoril-iisus-i-chto-obshhego-eto-imeet-s-dengami

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