When you are exhausted..

“He makes me lie down in green pastures, He sends me to refreshing waters.” (Psalms 23:2)

Even if you live the right life and do everything as you should, you can feel exhausted. Sometimes we are tired just because we are on planet earth. The world, the flesh and the enemy of our soul will do everything to take the spirit from You. You try to pray, but there are no words. You know you should be reading your Bible, but that’s when distractions come in. In church you make all the right moves and say the right words, but in your soul you are empty.

David said that God makes one lie down. If we were just moving all the time, we would eventually wear out.

David says: 1) “He makes me lie down on a green pasture.” (Ps 23:2) Green is the same as fresh. Every day we need a new encounter with God through prayer and reading the Word. Just as a hot drink cools or fresh bread hardens, so an unrefreshed soul also cools or hardens.

2) “He sends me to breathing water.” (Ps 23:2) Breathing water is quiet and it is possible to think.

A good way to get to know God, notice his guidance, and draw from his strength is to do so in silence and peace.

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