You are important to God.
He thinks you are so valuable that He took time to plan all of your days before you were born.
You have a divine assignment.
The Scripture says, “He’s working all things according to the counsel of His will.”
That means He has the final say. He said His plans for you are for good.
He said He will do exceedingly, abundantly above all you can imagine.
Now keep God first place.
Keep honoring Him with your life.
Do the right thing when it’s hard.
Don’t try to figure everything out. He’s doing things that you can’t understand right now. It won’t make sense.
If you have to know everything, you’re going to be frustrated.
Leave it in His hands.
“God, I don’t know what You’re doing, but I trust You. I know You’re in control and You’re moving me toward my divine purpose.”
Unknown author.