Yury Sipko: I’m the villain…

Hebrews 12:3: “Consider Him who endured such reproach from sinners against Himself, lest you be weary and weak in your souls.”

The other day I talked with the Lord. It was morning. The birds were asleep. Taxies were asleep. Everything was asleep. What a beauty. Such a Grace! The soul rejoices! As if there are no ribs, no walls of the hut. Weightlessness and inspiration! Disputes disappear. And the disputants disappear. The Spirit of God has swallowed me up, and I am in blessedness. I sing a psalm to the Lord. I tell Him how good He is. Good. Merciful. Generous. Long-suffering. Very merciful.

I remembered how Jesus Christ suffered beatings and scourging. How silent He was when our police officers beat Him up. When our prosecutors dragged false witnesses to court, He was silent. When a judge, covering his face with a protocol, read the verdict. And it was clear that everything was a lie in the protocol, and the judge knew it … But he announced the terrible sentence loudly and distinctly: CRUCIFY! It’s a feeling that can’t be expressed. The villains mocked. They spat Him in the face. They undressed Him. Dressed Him.

I told the Lord about His sufferings, and my heart stopped.

Cross on the mountain. And then they took Jesus to the cross.

And the robbers are nearby. I am the villain. Those torments and the cross were meant for me. And eternal torment was destined for me. And the fire of hell awaited me. It was like I was on Calvary ​​at the cross. A thorny wreath on the head of Jesus. Blood flows down His face. Hands pierced with nails. His legs are pierced with nails. He is silent. Looks at me.

And there was anxiety. Inside, somewhere where people have a soul. Pinched in the heart. Such pain! It’s me. I’m the same scoundrel who scourged Him. Laughed at Him. I didn’t care. Slandered Him. Oppressed Him. Lied. Laughed wickedly. I drove nails, so much so that it hurt more. Hammer and one, and two, past the nail, but on the hands. And on the legs. Into a living body. Some kind of obsession. The pleasure of evil. Horror!

All the dirt of the meanness of my life suddenly appeared before me, swallowed me up, and filled my insides. Horror. Death. A moment in this stench seemed like an eternity. And You, Holy God, you the Spirit of God, with incredible Power, from the abyss of sin, where I was dead, got me, washed me, revived me and breathed the Spirit of Life into me. Hallelujah!

And I sang. Glory to the Lord. It cannot be expressed in words. And nothing compares to it. Lord, how great You are! Glory to Thee! Thank you!

Blessedness spread throughout the body, renewing every cell my soul trembled. I ascended weightlessly into the heavenly living room. The words are over. Bliss has come. The angels have come. They gently took me on their wings. And they took me home. It’s time to get up, they whispered into both of my ears, gently putting me to bed …

1 Peter 2:24: “He himself bore our sins in his own body on the tree, so that we, having been delivered from sins, might live in righteousness: by his stripes you were healed.”

Yuri Sipko, ex-chairman of the RS ECB (Russian Christian Baptist Union).

Source: https://ieshua.org/yurij-sipko-eto-ya-razbojnik.htm

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