Yury Sipko: We loved Jesus and we loved the president…

What is a tragedy? Well, there is no tragedy, it is the norm.

It so happened that we lived inside the cocoon of our communities, a monastic world for a few hours a week, which we were most often ashamed of and we loved the world around us, although we called it sinful and wicked and we called the inhabitants of this world sinners and called them to repentance.

We loved Jesus and we loved the president. We listened to Jesus rarely, little bit and carelessly, but we listened to the president a lot, very often, we respected him every day from infancy to gray hair and therefore his sermons have become a guide to our lives.

It lasted for many years, we got used to the world, the world got used to us and there was such a unity that it became clear that “we cannot live without each other.” The world has become a motherland, even a fatherland. The homeland, which became the fatherland, began to give us the knowledge of how to live, who to love, who to hate and even kill when the homeland calls to do so. It’s called patriotism! For the love of the country!

When in the preparatory class, we easily found a compromise between God’s command to love and the need to hate according to the command of the motherland. We managed to combine God’s commandment “do not bear false witness” and such a harmless false and slanderous teaching of the homeland about how Nazis and Bandera people in Ukraine love LGBT people and in general they together with the west want to attack and kill us. And the whole West with its false religion is not at all what it claims to be. That is why they are to be hated.

It’s easier for us to hate. We are highly trained to hate. Even in our home church, we hate anyone who differs from our common faceless standard. And as for the neighboring churches, even if they call themselves Baptists, in which there is no discernible difference, we hate them solemnly! With deep devotion.  We avoid socializing and being in the same train or being on the same evangelical platform.

And that’s when the military misanthropic special operation to destroy Ukraine broke out. Our beloved world in all its impurity has been revealed. Unexpectedly revealed. And so it surprised us. The motherland was furious with the whole world. Calling to the trenches. Offering death. For what and why is unknown. Yes, we have nothing against death, but the fatherland proposes to kill Ukrainians. And something was turned on. Hate is okay, it’s in our blood. It’s scary to kill. But the Fatherland calls. After all, it’s not just a homeland, it’s a motherland.

And then it became clear who was the boss in the house. The Lord called, called and stopped calling. Nobody wants to preach the Gospel. No one is ready to mobilize for missionary service.

But when the motherland called, here we are.

We must hate LGBT people with all our hearts and souls!

West must be hated? Here I am! Always ready! Despite the fact that the same West selflessly saved from hunger and cold just yesterday. Saved communists, baptists, atheists and orthodox.

That’s not enough. Homeland, fatherland has decided to hate Ukraine! And in a moment we are in the general ranks with the fatherland. Obedience is better than sacrifice.

And they stood on the vigil of hatred and hated Ukraine from the heart.

Hundreds of rockets and bombs fall on Ukrainians every day. Hundreds of people die every day because of our “gifts”. Darkness and cold add to the suffering of innocent people. And all this power of hatred has been committed in the name of the Russian people, Christians, you and me.

And the idea came. Orthodox Christianity blessed this terrible hate crime. Protestant Christianity supports the mass murder of people.

The word “supports murder” just popped into my head and it became scary. How can Christians support the mass murder of people? How could this happen?

A terrible betrayal has taken place.

Betrayal of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Betrayal of the Holy Gospel!

Betrayal of the church suffering for the TRUTH!

By supporting lies and slander, Christians have supported the devil, the father of lies. By supporting the killing of people in Ukraine, Christians have become complicit in lies as well as violence and murder.

I have a question. What does it mean to BE A CHRISTIAN?

Jesus appeared. Not close. Appeared on the horizon. And He didn’t even look at us.

Just like talking to Himself. Slowly. Quietly.

And from there His word penetrated into the inner recesses of the soul.

Oh, how it hurts!

“But love your enemies and do good and lend without expecting anything in return, and your reward will be great and you will be the children of the Most High, for He is generous to the ungrateful and the wicked!” (Luke 6:35).

“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31).

“But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who despitefully use you!” (Luke 6:27-28).

“If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them.” (Luke 6:29)

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them.” (Luke 6:32)

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot” (Matthew 5:13).

And then they crucified Him.

And noone argued with the authorities.

And you won’t argue.

Otherwise you too will be crucified.

And we won’t argue. We love the authorities.

Yuri Sipko, ex-chairman of the RS ECB (Russian Christian Baptist Union).

Source: https://ieshua.org/yurij-sipko-my-lyubili-iisusa-i-lyubili-prezidenta.htm

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