Boris Grisenko: Three lessons of the war in Ukraine to prepare for the end times

We in Ukraine knew that a war would begin. We were warned by foreign intelligence. There were maneuvers on the border, threats and ultimatums. Back in September 2 years ago, Sid Roth called me and said that a prophet in America had said that soon Russia would attack Ukraine and it would be a very difficult war, but as a result, a serious revival would begin in Ukraine. I didn’t want to believe it. I was also told more than once: “War is coming soon.” I didn’t want to believe it either. We knew that there would be a war. But when our “liberators” started bombing with ballistic missiles at civilian areas in Ukraine at 4 in the morning, it turned out that no one had expected that it would start like this.

According to Scripture, many of the events that precede the return of the Lord in glory are not very joyful and one cannot really prepare for them by using their own mind. Perhaps we read the Bible and somehow imagine how it will be before the second coming of Yeshua and we feel that we are ready. But it will still be different. The Word of God will be fulfilled, but we cannot predict everything. It will still come as a surprise. What to do then? Here are three lessons we have learned from this war.

First and foremost, grasp the the Lord by the hand and hold on. Yeshua’s parable of the wise and foolish virgins says that the oil must be prepared in advance. Whatever we mean by oil – the power of the Holy Spirit, the practice of prayer, good works, dedicated service to God – whatever. But this should already be happening in the peaceful times. We must practice this before much more difficult times come.

Secondly, when these days arrive, we need to be together. We need God’s family. We can not stand alone against the darkness. Loners will drown in darkness. We trusted each other. We knew that we were family, that we were not alone. All this nonsense about “I am a member of the universal church and my pastor is only Jesus” does not work in hard times. You cannot stand alone.

On the second day of the war, in prayer, I received a word from the Lord that the Sabbath service should be held. And the next day I was overcome by doubts. But when I found out that our ministers had already left for the service, I had no choice but to follow them. The pastor leads you and in some situations you support the hands of the pastor so much that he feels that you are carrying him over some kind of abyss. Each one serves the other and all together serve the Lord. God’s family will not be broken.

And third, surrender to the Lord. We realized that we ourselves are not able to calculate anything. We cannot prepare ourselves. We must surrender to God and seek His face threefold. And He won’t let us down. He will give the word. He will give understanding. And He will keep His Word. Every word of His will be fulfilled, if only we were open to Him.

Boris Grisenko, Rabbi of KEMO /


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