Do you know, Gog, what God will do to you?

In order for us to survive the horrors of current events, we need to look to the very end of history. There, after the dark and troubled days, we will see no enemies, we will see the power and glory of God over His people. Over the other nations, only those who bless Israel will survive. There will be no enemies left.

We’re not there yet, the story isn’t over yet, but we know where it’s going. Gog will do a lot of evil, but his fate is already sealed by his own choice, by the fact that he defied God and His people. Which means he’s already dead.

“You will fall on the mountains of Israel, you and all your armies, and the nations that are with you; I will give you to be devoured by every kind of bird of prey and beast of the field” (Ezekiel 39:4).

God said so before it was done. So it has already happened. So, it must be considered a fact.

Not only Gog’s armies will perish. All his land, all the peoples of his coalition will pay for the crimes of his hordes, all his supporters will recognize the power and wrath of the God of Israel:

“And I will send fire on the land of Magog and on the inhabitants of the islands who live in heedlessness, and they will know that I am the Lord” (6).

The fire of God’s wrath will test the strength of Gog and all those who decided to stand under his banner, who believed in him, who allowed hatred against Israel in their hearts, who considered the chosen people an easy prey.

Cities and countries, families and homes, women and children will pay for Gog’s ambitions. Because they all fed, breathed, lived following their pride and hatred, not only their warriors, but also their officials, teachers, judges, priests.

Their palaces will burn in fire, where possessed monsters sat on thrones or at very long tables, served with pleasure by slaves “rising from their knees”.

The fire will burn their schools, which taught that Israel has no right to exist, that it is high time to “denazify” it.

Their churches will burn in flames, where they worshiped the idols of war and approved of human sacrifice.

Their universities, libraries, troll factories, thanks to which people habitually lived in lies and confidently lied to others, will burn in the fire.

This fire will destroy the evil and cleanse the earth so that even the peoples who previously served Gog will have their chance to turn to the living God of Israel:

“And I will show My glory among the nations, and all nations will see My judgment which I will execute, and My hand which I will lay on them” (21).

Israel will also have to purify itself by removing, collecting and burning all that remains of Gog’s armies:

“Then the inhabitants of the cities of Israel will go out and kindle a fire, and they will burn weapons, shields and armor, bows and arrows, and maces and spears; seven years they will burn them. And they will not carry firewood from the field, nor cut down from the forests, but they will burn only weapons; And they will plunder their robbers, and they will rob their despoilers, says the Lord God. And it will come to pass in that day: I will give Gog a place for a grave in Israel, a valley of passers-by to the east of the sea, and it will delay passers-by; and there they will bury Gog and all his army, and they will call it the valley of Gog’s army. And the house of Israel will bury them for seven months to cleanse the land” (9-12).

Gog collected so many weapons that Israel will save on energy resources for seven years. All these tools, instruments, machines of death will burn for a long, long time, reminding of the power of God and the futile ambitions of people.

What will be left of Gog and his hordes?

A huge grave, interfering with passers-by. Many thousands of bodies that will be buried for seven months. A lot of abandoned weapons that will be burned for seven years. And an instructive story for all of us – a story about God’s love and jealousy, power and justice.

Looking at the end of Gog, all the children of God should be encouraged and strengthened, their victory has already been completed, so God said, so He will do.

Looking at the end of Gog, all his peoples and armies, all slaves, priests, admirers today should think hard – is it worth dying for the sake of someone who is already dead?

Author — Mihhail Cherenkov /



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