God has a book written for you

Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord (Psalm 139:4).

God designed you to be somebody. He looked at your unformed body and declared, “This child is good.” All His plans for your life
were set out long before you took a breath. He wrote out the order of your days before you lived even one day (see Psalm 139:16).

There’s a book on you. Some chapters God wrote about you haven’t even been touched yet. Some of you are playing around in the index or you have spent years in the table of contents. Perhaps you are 30 years old and you still don’t know God’s plan for your life. That’s playing around on the contents page. You are 30 years old and still wondering what you are supposed to be. You haven’t even started yet.

Others have jumped ahead of God’s plan.

Though His design calls for you to be married in chapter 17, you got married in chapter 2. You have ignored the things God wanted you to learn and experience in chapters 2 through 16 so you would be prepared for marriage in chapter 17. You have missed out on many experiences and discoveries because you moved ahead of God’s schedule.

Some people are so busy peeking into chapter 17 that they don’t have time to live chapters 2 3 and 4…. Or perhaps you have pulled chapter 17 into chapter 2 so that the rest of the book is destroyed.

You will never have the opportunity to experience all the chapters if you pull parts of later chapters into the early ones.
God designed you to be somebody.

By Dr. Myles Munroe / Smith Wigglesworth and other generals of God. | Facebook

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