Great gain

In life there are people with whom you rarely communicate, there are no joint affairs. You practically don’t see each other.
But when, finally, your paths intersect, it turns out that they have a lot of claims and grievances against you.
You don’t need a reason to be dissatisfied.
As well as for satisfaction.
Not without a reason did the Apostle Paul write that gains do not lead to contentment, as is often thought, but contentment itself is an gain. And it is acquired by inner work and transformation.

By Victor Sudakov.

Source: Telegram: Contact @victorsudakov

The greatest day in Jewish history

If the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) truly talk about a coming Messiah, then one would anticipate the greatest .....

The Great French Revolution and the “de-Christianization” of France. What did it lead to?

October 5, 1793 is considered the starting date of the policy of abolishing Christianity in France. What this .....

Emperor Nero and the Great Fire of Rome. And how it relates to Christians

On the night of July 19, 64 AD. one of the worst fires in the history of Rome .....

Patriarch Kirill called on the “Little Russians” to stop the war and live in peace with the “Great Russians”

On Easter night, the Russian Federation fired missiles at Ukraine. In the Nikolaev region, young people died, in .....

The Story of Billy Graham or How to Fulfill the Great Commission

On February 21, 2018, at the age of 99, Billy Graham, one of the most famous evangelical preachers, .....

A Great Miracle in the Midst of India Disaster

On the morning of October 29, 1999, a terrible storm that had been developing for several days overthe .....

Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things
Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things

These six words fueled the transformation of global missions — and on a smaller and more personal scale, .....

At the KEMO spring prayer retreat, we met and talked with Gennady Glatsovsky, rabbi of the…
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