Pour Water on the Hands of the Man of God

Jesus is Lord! God is light and love!

He is all that He is!

It is the Feast of Victory, the true Feast of Victory, because Jesus will soon return to glorify His Church and judge all unbelievers. But before that, everything He said must be fulfilled, and above all, it consists in the great revival of the church, the powerful movement of the Holy Spirit among the nations and of course the opposition to satan. And all this must happen for the Gospel to prevail and for the revelation of who is who. We know one, He is the One, He is God! His name is Jesus!

When we got to the meeting this morning, we heard the bad news that our church brothers were late for the meeting. It’s too bad if it becomes a habit.

And the Holy Spirit said to me: “See how the world catches people. They have already removed the chairs from the street cafes, bicycle taxis are driving around and not for any special salary. And what you get from God every day is much more than a million dollars. You cannot even imagine what God has prepared for you, what you will inherit. Be careful and don’t lose your inheritance! ”

And God continued. He said that Christians are asleep! The world is working and their coffee shops are filled with customers.

Never argue! Free your heart! Don’t be important and proud in your own eyes! If God wills, He will put you down at any moment. Just be open and helpful!

In the evening, make a decision that you will get up at 5 in the morning! Yes, I’m going to put out the chairs for the street café already. Wash the tables and put everything in order.

What does it represent? I get up in the morning and pray for Estonia, raise my holy hands to God and turn to Him for the salvation of unbelievers! I will give my life this morning to save someone.

So what can satan do? He can’t do anything because you drive away the enemy forces!

But when you sleep, you think you run away from him. You, like an ostrich, hide your head in the sand and are firmly convinced that no one can see you. Don’t be like that! Therefore, there is no revival! If you do not act according to the Word of God, you are the enemy!

Romans 10:9, 10

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, because with the heart you believe for righteousness, but with your mouth you confess for salvation.

This is the key to salvation and faith! But also a trap. Why? Christians think that you only have to believe when you say the prayer of salvation. I am born again and now everything is fine.

No! This passage works if you believe in your heart, testify from day one and continue to obey Jesus Christ every day. Until the moment you see Him and take hold of His hand and say now I don’t have to believe anymore. Now I see you, I’m home!

Not only the first day, not only did you do good deeds yesterday, but your righteous and good deeds are needed today! And most importantly, tomorrow! And in order to do them tomorrow, today you have to put everything in place, set the alarm clock and tune yourself correctly.

You get up early in the morning and pray for the revival of your land, so that all the churches live and walk in the love of God.

When you step into God’s presence, you will feel loyalty and faithfulness, because the throne of God is surrounded by devotion and faithfulness. This way you will soon become faithful.

Psalm 89:9 Lord, God of hosts, who is so mighty as you, Lord? And your faithfulness is around you.

If you do not know the truth and do not walk in it, you have not turned to Him, you do not want Him, you rely on yourself, your work and serve money. But this is a scam! What you hope for today will disappear one day. Don’t think it will pass you by!

And God said, because they do the right thing and you don’t, there is no revival in Estonia.

We wait for revival, but you do not achieve revival easily!

You achieve this in prayer when you die to yourself, to your fears, plans and thoughts.

Pray like this: “Father, teach me to love my countrymen and pray for them! I want to give myself for them, just as Jesus gave Himself for me. Teach me to do it for them, teach me to do what I must do in Jesus Christ, with my calling and election! ”

And then comes awakening and freedom. Why would God give anything to bad workers?

Confess to Him today and tell Him that you were a bad worker and did not look like His child at all!

I can’t force you, but I can motivate you. I want you to do it yourself and support me.

And the Holy Spirit put this sermon in my heart. Today I will paint you a picture of how God wants you to be, so that a powerful anointing will flow in your life, so that you will walk in that unattainable victory that will protect you from satan and attract unbelievers to you. And for that – pour water into the hands of your spiritual mentor – serve him!

If you don’t serve him, you don’t know how to serve God! If you do not learn to discipline your flesh and obey your spirital leader, how can you serve Him? How?

This is training here on earth so that you can surrender and one day stand before Him. Bow and kneel to Him with a pure heart in the Holy Spirit. There is no more guile in you, you have cast out your fleshly desires. It is very important, it is not for nothing! This is not meant to humiliate you, but to guide and prepare you so that one day you will appear before Him, so that you will not go there with your hands in your pockets.

Open the Holy Scriptures that teach you how to become holy! And if you learn to act on this basis, your actions will also become holy.

It’s actually very simple.

When you buy a new item from the store, you need instructions on how to use it.

For the Church, God appointed a pastor to teach (guide)!

If you use this instruction correctly, you will be victorious and holy. Acting on the Word will make you a saint! God gave me instructions for you. If you read carefully, you will know how to use it. If you want to holy and sweet water to flow out of your belly so that the anointing and holy power will flow out of you, then I will tell you what you need to do to become holy. You yourself think you know what you have to do to become a saint, but I will tell you what you have to do to become a saint. I am your guide!

God wants to teach you something so He can use you. And so He says to you today: “Learn to pour water on the hands of the pastor! Learn to serve holy men! ”

2 Kings 3:11

But Jehoshaphat said, “Is there not a prophet of the Lord here, through whom can we inquire of the Lord?” Then one of the servants of the king of Israel spoke and said: “Here is Elisha, the son of Shaphat, who poured water on Elijah’s hands.”

See what pouring water makes you – it turns you into a prophet!

Pour water on the pastor’s hands – become a pastor! Pour water on the hands of an evangelist – you will become an evangelist! To the hands of the apostle – you will be everything!

An obedient servant inherits a blessing from his master. Jesus received this inheritance from His Father. He said: “I am obedient and the Spirit of God is upon Me. I do what the Father says and I say what I hear from Him. For I love the Father, and the Father honors Me, because I honor Him.”

And now King Jehoshaphat said: “Is there not a prophet of the Lord here, that we may inquire of the Lord through him? Is anyone here?”

Yes there is! Here is the servant Elisha, he poured water on his master’s hands.

Elisha learned something from Elijah, he learned to serve him by obeying him. You must always be willing to surrender in the Spirit!

Serving does not mean arguing with your mentors (leaders), but waiting with a water jug in your hand when your mentor tells you to pour water.

This does not mean that you have to be simple-minded. No! You must be humble in Spirit, willing to serve and not dominate.

God does not use people who want to dominate. He just can’t use them. The spirit of pride that fills them hinders the movement of God’s Spirit.

God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble!

See, you’ve already learned something!

And if you haven’t learned anything, go to a restaurant and watch the waiters there! I ask that God be served by a good, decent and first-class waiter.

You sit at the table and feel that the dinner was very pleasant. Although the food may not have been to your liking, the service was amazing. And you say: “This is a good restaurant. I still go there because I was served there in such a way that I felt like a real host. ”

2 Kings 3:12

Jehoshaphat said, “He has the word of the Lord.” Then they went to Israel
the king and Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom to him.

A person wants to achieve a high position and respect over other people. But he will never achieve it if it is not meant for him. And if it is meant for him, in most cases it will lead him to hell. But if you believe in God and obey Him and your spiritual leader, God will lead you to great kings.

There was the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Edom. The kings themselves came to Elisha. You don’t come to them, but they come and ask, “Tell me, church, do you have the Word of God or not?”

“Yes, we have, because we learned how to pour water on the hands of the man of God, we were not proud, high, arrogant, we did not rely on our current prosperity (wealth), we did not put hope in people, our affairs and plans. We decided to submit to our spiritual mentor. And look what’s happening now – our church has matured and we’re being counted in this city! ”

The kings themselves come to the church and ask: “What can be done to better rule this land and people? ”

Listen to it before it’s too late! Humble yourself! Don’t go on with a proud face! You trip and you might break your legs. Please don’t break your legs!

A good helper gets his boss’s job! Sooner or later. And this is God’s will!

And the bad servant inherits leprosy because he does what he wants and not what is necessary.

We know that Elisha had a bad helper, Gehaz, and Naaman’s leprosy stayed with him and his children because he did what he wanted.

2 Kings 5:27

Therefore the leprosy of Naaman shall be yours and your seed forever side.” And Gehazi went out from him, white as snow with leprosy.

When Elisha said to Gehazi, “Don’t take it! Don’t go! Don’t do it! Do as I tell you! ”- did he do it?


He did the opposite. He didn’t change his heart and did not allow the Holy Spirit to purify him. He served Elisha quite faithfully all his life, but in the end he did not do what the prophet told him to do. He thought what if I don’t go? Nothing will happen. “I’m going to be late for church, so what?”

Oh no! A curse came upon him and his offspring.

2 Kings 5:20,21

Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said to himself, “My master was too easy on Naaman, this Aramean, by not accepting from him what he brought. As surely as the Lord lives, I will run after him and get something from him.” So Gehazi hurried after Naaman. When Naaman saw him running toward him, he got down from the chariot to meet him. “Is everything all right?” he asked.

If you are late for the church service and think there is nothing wrong with that, then you do not have the fear of God in your heart.

Prepare yourself today for eternal life! Not for hell!

If you don’t do as the pastor says, you do what you think is necessary. You are doing the opposite of what the man of God says. With these actions, you say: “Pour water your own hands!” And God sees it, He watches you and asks: “What did you say to My servant?”

And if at the same time there is still a desire in the heart to become His servant, then your life is mixed, but iron and clay do not mix!

Your life is a mess, your business is not progressing as you wish.

Throw the iron out of your life! And say to God: “I am very good clay in Your hands, from which You formed the first man!”

Never trust in yourself! Believe in God!

Why should you pour water on your spiritual leaders hands?

Because he is your shepherd and fights for you.

God has appointed spiritual leaders in the Church to bless you.

You say: “I know myself!” This is the first acquaintance with the spirit of pride.

Not because you can’t figure out for yourself what God is giving you, but He ordained it the other way.

Have you ever cut a wet log? Cutting it is almost impossible. Then a wedge is placed there, which enters the log, and the wedge is hit with an ax until the log splits in half.

This means that the pastor leads, he is a pioneer! God will use him to help you.

You don’t know what decision to make. What you should do and what you should not do? Sometimes it’s hard to make the right decisions. Then you turn to your spiritual leader and say: “I am faced with a choice. It’s hard for me to make the right decision. What to do?”

Or you just come to the meeting and don’t ask anything, but during the sermon you get an answer on what to do next, how to be and where to go. Or if you need a prophetic word, again you need a spiritual leader so that God can use the mouth of His servant because He knows that His servant is faithful and holy and He can freely use him to build up the body of Christ to show you the right direction.

Of course, you know it yourself, but in the end it turns out that nothing happens without the hands of a spiritual leader.

Exodus 17:12
But when Moses’ hands grew weary, they took a stone and placed it under him, and he sat on it, and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on this side and the other on that side; then his hands stood firm until sunset.

This is the key to revival!

How do you pray for revival?

Revival does not come through waiting alone. Only your active prayer, teaching, humility, obedience and learning to serve and help men of God can bring revival to our land.

We know that Israel fought against the Amalekites. Now a spiritual war is going on for the revival in Estonia, for your soul and mine. Many are saved and many are not. We know that God has given us the victory. We are born as lions from the tribe of Judah because our Lord is a lion from the tribe of Judah. One lion is younger, the other older, but in any case we are the tribe of Judah. You are of royal descent. Don’t give up! But don’t follow the example of cute sleeping African lions! And that’s why you allow yourself to sleep in sometimes.

Say: “Satan, get behind me! I don’t let any cowards into my bedroom! I’m a soldier! I get up early in the morning, raise my hands and tell You, Jesus, that I am a creation in Your hands! Fill Me Up! I show that I have done well, that You can trust me, because the throne of my Lord is surrounded by an atmosphere of complete faithfulness (reliability) and complete loyalty. ”

But if I see you and there’s no faithfulness around you because you didn’t do what the Holy Spirit told you, then I know that your things are not right. Satan attacks and you don’t know what to do and where to run and you decide to do a hundred things at once…!

There was war with the Amalekites. Just because Israel was chosen by God and brought out of Egypt through Moses did not mean that all was well. The Amalekites did not agree!

You have to fight! If there was no war, you would be here at 4 in the morning. And the enemy would not hinder you. You would wake up and go to sleep peacefully, no viruses or attacks!

But an invisible bacillus has quietly grabbed your thoughts, poisoned them and said that nothing needs to be done, everything is fine.

No, it’s not ok! There is a war going on! You must be ready! You should be like Israel – a stone under your head, a machine gun in your hand and the Torah in your lap. All the time!

And then you will become a real soldier. You yourself get up in the morning and say: “Satan, where are you? Come out! I will fight you! Get out of this country! ”

God promised revival, there are so many prophetic words about Estonia, but we just can’t see through the fence! Wake up! Prepare yourself!

Start the fight and God will bless, honor and use you and lead you and the kings come to you! And they say: “We’re in trouble, what to do? We know you poured water on the pastor’s hands. You know who is the boss, who is the subordinate. We believe that God is greater than you because good things have come from you.”

There was war with the Amalekites. And for that, someone needed to hold up Moses’ hand.

The apostle Paul said:

1 Timothy 2:8

I then want men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or doubt.

Why? Because there was a war. And if your hands are raised, it means that you are praying, giving thanks, worshiping, honoring – you will achieve victory. By relying on yourself, you will fail.

As soon as Moses laid down his hands, Israel lost. Moses did not last the whole day. So what happened? Helpers came!

While Elisha helped Elijah, Moses’ hand was held up by Hur and Aaron.

Learn to pour water on the hands of your spiritual leader! And God will give victory to the church, the people of the whole country and the surrounding nations. Neighboring kings also came to Elisha for advice, the king of Edom, the king of Israel, etc.

See how important it is! Surrender to God! Learn to walk in the Spirit!

If you take something from here and eat, you will walk for 40 days in a row and walk through the desert. I know your life is a desert! Don’t try to make it look like there’s a rosy garden! I’m not judging you, I just want to help you!

Exodus 17:12
But when Moses’ hands grew weary, they took a stone and placed it under him, and he sat on it, and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on this side and the other on that side; then his hands stood firm until sunset.

If you have to do something for the pastor, he tells you what to do, it is your responsibility. Serve him so that his hands will be lifted up and God will give victory to the church!

Exodus 17:13

And Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the sword.

What is a promise?

If you obey and help your spiritual guide in everything – prayer, meetings, evangelism, donating time and money, sowing good deeds – God will give you victory over the heathen!

Just don’t be the devil yourself! How do you go to hell? Very simply. If you don’t do what God says, you are a heathen!

1 Timothy 6:12

Fight the good fight of faith, take hold of the eternal life to which you have been called, when you have given a good testimony before many witnesses.

The apostle Paul firmly states that there is a war going on and you must fight correctly and lawfully, because deserters will be killed. If you don’t fight, you’ll shoot yourself. Fight, resist, learn to pour water on the hands of holy men! There is war going on like in the days of the Old Testament.

Ephesians 4:10-12

So he who has come down is the same who has also ascended above all the heavens, that he might fill all things. He is the one who has appointed some to be apostles and some to be prophets and some to be evangelists, some to be shepherds and teachers, to prepare holy men for the work of helping to build up the body of Christ.

God gave everyone a plan, set a time and place where you have to be. If you are not built up yourself, you cannot build others.

Imagine if you go to work as a tiler, but you haven’t put any tiles on the wall yourself, and then you try to do something for money, you can really piss someone off.

It’s the same with us. If we don’t allow ourselves to learn humility while working under someone else’s leadership, we can’t build anyone else up! This will be a big mess. To become a professional, you must learn and accept that God appoints spiritual leaders and they are not chosen.

In the first chapter of the book of Acts, the apostles made a big mistake by casting lots to choose a new apostle.

I think one of the twelve must have been the apostle Paul. Jesus can tell you the same when he goes to heaven.

Acts 1:23-26

So they nominated two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias. Then they prayed, “Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he belongs.”  Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles.

We know that Thomas reached India, and we know what they did with the other apostles, but we know nothing about Matthias.

Colossians 1:28-29

He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.

See what spiritual warfare is all about?

It is so that you and I can be built up in Christ so that we can bear fruit for the Lord wherever we go. Just as Jesus entered Jerusalem and people put palm branches and clothes under His feet, so we would walk also in our church of God in this country.

I’m praying for you!

I pray God that they bear much fruit so that wherever they go, the fruits of the Spirit will be evident and people will rejoice over them. That disease, poverty, darkness, depression and oppression would have no place. That there would be fruits of the Spirit! I pray for it every day!

Glory to the Almighty and Omnipresent God!

With God’s blessings!

Pastor Paul Armand.

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