“We want to see Jesus.” John 12:21.
We want to see Jesus!
But we fall into lectures about all sorts of sins.
And they offer seven steps to nowhere.
Something has changed.
People with a lofty mission to represent God on earth did not cope. And they could not fulfill His will and truth.
It came to the point that God Himself came to earth in the form of a man.
His name is Jesus Christ! He is the One we want to see!
This is an absolutely incredible story.
God became MAN. Possessing incredible power, He gave it up and He became a simple man. Possessing the entire Cosmos, He came to Earth in the form of a man. The incredibly rich one had nothing on earth at all. No palaces, no guards. He went from house to house, from village to village and just helped those in need. For free.
He descended to the point that He washed the feet of his disciples.
Impossible to imagine.
Why? For what?
And then so that every person could realize that the main mission of a person is not to become a god, but to become a HUMAN BEING!
And not only to realize, but to create that HUMAN BEING in yourself!!
And where is the change? So the fact is that even the religious followers of Jesus Christ lead all sorts of religious groups and fight among themselves to become a god. They invented for themselves all sorts of grandiloquent titles, overlaid themselves and their stools with gold and precious stones. They consider themselves sinless. They have the truth! They are saints and most holy eminences! They dress themselves in such magnificent clothes that cannot even be described in words, because there are countless cassocks and bonnets of all kinds. And this whole camarilla pretends to be the messengers of God, calls themselves Christians, but does not serve people, but on the contrary forces people to serve them.
Christ is wrong!
Christ, the real God, came to us in the form of an ordinary man. And as a HUMAN BEING, He gave a fundamental sermon!
“No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” John 1:18.
Do you hear? All stories about God are fantasy. Only Christ!
Divine image – Jesus Christ!
The image of a real person is Jesus Christ!
And, by the way, Christ, leaving the earth, gave us all His Commandment!
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” John 13:34.
Is this clear?
So let’s love!
By Yury Sipko/ https://www.facebook.com/ysipko