Israel was created by God. And after thousands of years of wandering and suffering, Israel returned to its land.
God promotes Israel. All forces submissive to God support Israel.
All those who disobey God, who oppose God, hate Israel!
Some people are surprised! How is it that Russia supports Hamas?
Why are they surprised? From ignorance.
Russia has always supported and supports terrorists. Regardless of where they live.
If it is Cuba, or Alenda in Chile, or African groups. The main thing is that such actions should be directed against the West. England or France, Germany or America, it doesn’t matter.
It is by speaking against the West that Russia is killing Ukraine.
What motivates Russia? Thirst for unlimited power.
Russia hates freedom. Russia hates the truth. This is the visible part of the problem.
The invisible one is that Russia serves satan, whose ideas it adopted in 1917.
Russia has submitted to satan and is carrying out the devil’s project by killing Christianity in Ukraine and Russia.
Do you remember how the USSR destroyed believers in God as a social class? For the same reasons, Russia supports Iran and is fighting in Syria. Believers are killed there too.
This is why Russia has never supported Israel.
Israel was created by God. But Russia has always been and is an enemy of God.
And the prospect of a global invasion of Israel, prophetically predicted in the Bible, is now taking shape.
Russia is in the alliance of anti-Israeli forces!
Lord have mercy!
By Yury Sipko, ex-chairman of the RS ECB