Boris Grisenko “The Lord is good to everyone”

“The Lord is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works.” (Psalm 145:9).

Does it say, “The Lord is good to all who steadfastly follow His way,” or “The Lord is good to all His unconditionally faithful disciples”? No, there are no restrictions at all. It is written: “The Lord is good to everyone.” What does it mean? After all, we do not see that His kindness is shown to everyone. This means that everything depends on us.

He wants to heal everyone because He has already taken our infirmities and carried our diseases, nailed them to the cross of Calvary and broken their power over us. Why isn’t everyone healed? For the same reason why not everyone is saved. He made a sacrifice for absolutely everyone – for all sinners, for all the most unworthy. But it depends on the person: to accept or not to accept.

He is kind to everyone. But it depends on each of us: whether we open up and trust Him or come up with excuses why the Lord allegedly cannot or does not want to heal us, free us, lift us up, give us new breath, enlighten our eyes, open our ears.

“The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.” He is ready to lavish His blessings and reveal His goodness in every area of our lives.

By Boris Grisenko Boris Grisenko (Rabbi of the Messianic Congregation of Kyiv, Ukraine).


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