Does God Forgive Unforgiveness?

Here’s something to ponder. Jesus said that if we do not forgive others, the Father will not forgive us. So, does God forgive unforgiveness or not?

In other words, if I am saved, if I am redeemed, if I am cleansed by the blood of Jesus, if I am the child of God to whom Heaven is destined for, and I do not forgive someone, does that mean that I will go to hell? Does this mean that this is now an unforgivable sin? That every day if I do not forgive others, my salvation is at stake?

Let’s start by looking at what Jesus said, because He was clear enough about it.

So Jesus said in the 11th chapter of the Gospel of Mark:
“And when you stand in prayer, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Heavenly Father may forgive you your sins.”

But what is He talking about?

He says that every day, when you come before the face of the Lord and ask Him to forgive you your sins, this does not mean that we must confess every sin daily, otherwise we are not saved; this does not mean that if we forget to confess sin, God will use it against us; but that means that every day we come before His face for cleansing.

Hypergrace teachers make a terrible, horrible mistake when they say that these words of Jesus — such as the Sermon on the Mount or the teaching in Mark 11 — do not apply to believers today, that they were only meant for Jews in those days. This is a terrible, a serious mistake, contrary to the entire New Testament.

But! The fact is that Jesus does say in our Father’s prayer (see also the 11th chapter of the Gospel of Luke) that we pray daily for forgiveness and cleansing. What does it mean?

In terms of relationships – not of salvation, but in terms of relationships, in my constant walk with God; when I walk in this world, my feet get dirty, therefore every day I wash my feet, I clean my saved person as I wash my feet. So, as a forgiven person, I continue to receive forgiveness that is relational. That’s what this is about.

Otherwise it will ruin our relationship, our communication with God. If we walk in unforgiveness, then we cannot have a full relationship with God and can not walk in the fullness of forgiveness, even if we are saved.


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