Question and answer “about THIS”: I want to get married, but I don’t have my own residence and financial support

Question: I want to get married, and the leader of my group tells me that maybe it’s time, but the fact that I don’t have my own apartment and financial support – because of this, I internally stop myself from making this step…

Answer, Boris Grisenko: The solution is very simple – you need a wife with a house, registration, a car, a bank account, a good job, so that she frees you up to play the role of priest and king in the house :)

Vlad Kulumbegov: I actually had such a moment that I had no registration, no housing, nothing… Now I have everything :) I got married and I have everything. We need to get married! Love has no barriers :)

Boris Grisenko: I was joking. I will say that this is more of an exception. Sisters, if a gigolo has fallen in love with you… How do you know that he is a gigolo? Bring him to a prayer retreat when the Holy Spirit begins to move strongly – bring him to our ministers so that they pray when he falls and lies with his eyes closed, sneak up to him quietly and ask him, in his ear: what is your name? :)

At the same time, the sister should be aware of who she is marrying and if she believes that everything will work out for them, then go for it. Only if it turns out later that your brother still has these problems and is in no hurry to solve them, please don’t blame anyone.

I once had a conversation with a sister who was about to get married, and I asked her: “Sister, tell me, have you firmly decided to marry this brother?” She said: “Yes!” – “Well, are you ready to be the husband in the family?..” This once again confirms that intimate relationships are not the main thing. Some brothers think that primary and secondary sexual characteristics determine whether a man is a real man or not. Nothing like this! That’s why I asked this sister. She thought and said: “No, I’m not ready to be a husband in the family.” Well, then continue to pray and deal with the situation.

Seminar “About this” at the KEMO retreat, 08/28/2013


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