“Where are you, Adam?” God called Adam in the garden. “I heard You, I was afraid and hidden myself,” Adam responded frightened and hiding in the bushes.
I heard … Adam was given power to continue to hear His voice in Eden.
I was afraid … why? He did not approach the tree, did not touch it, did not have dialogues and did not meet the snake face to face. The fear of Adam was not the reason why God turned away from Adam and Eve. But the fear of Adam became an obstacle to his personal communion with God.
Hidden … Why did he hide himself? Hasn’t God seen how ridiculous they look when they try to hide for God’s eyes? The nudity was not previously an obstacle in communicating with God in the garden. Even today, our nudity cannot separate us.
“Who told you?” – God asked it for one purpose that neither of them remembered whose Words in the garden are the most important and what words have force.
But everyone was in the euphoria of fear and self-deception, without hearing the voice of the Spirit. The accusations upon accusations fell upon them. Eve sliding apple into his hands, Adam did not protect, God placethe snake and planted fruit …
“Not guilty, not guilty.”
When you live in fear and accusations then God asks you: “Where are you? Who told you? “
Every time we may, seeking answers to these questions, descend to a variety of controversy and prosecution, forgetting the most important: position and answer to the most important question: who is talking about me? Who defined my nature and one who am I?
Whenever we lose focus on our divine nature, we hide ourselves behind all kinds of barriers that allocate us from God, trying to hide your nudity and imperfection. We try to earn more, satisfy religious demands instead of enjoying the privilege of being similar to God. Work, service, housework, liabilities, self-improvement … can be either the vanity of this era or the result of the fulfillment of God’s promises as a mission and the revelation of His likeness.
The fear of searching for the culprits, so that the accusations will never let you hear solutions.
Your own voice often tries to suppress the voice of God. If Adam and Eve would have been focused on God and His mission, they would not have known what is fear. But the snake changed their vision of themselves, forcing them to focus on the knowledge of self allocated from God, an independent substance who wants to find out on his personal experience, what is good and what evil. They suddenly realized that they do not answer God that they are in themselves evil, separated from each other and not one body. By rejecting themselves and hiding, they made the choice that Eden’s garden is not intended to them, releasing themselves from liability and giving power to the snake.
So there was a fear and understanding that God is apart from me and I of Him.
Can you change anything now?
Yes, when you are ready to come out of the bush, to stop blaming the other person, while accusing unknowingly God. Remember everything He tells you in His Word. Finish the replacement of His grace and mercy to His way of self-improvement. A feeling of life through Christ, eating Him and His Word the living food.
Back to questions: Who is God in our family? Who am I? Who is my husband as a son of God? Who am I as Gods daughter? What did God himself do for us to give the Eden back to our family?
It is the awareness of our nature that gives us the courage to reflect the truth about ourselves in all decisions, crossing the challenges in the family victoriously. This truth will help everyone to look at each other through Christ prism and His victory that is formalized for everyone.
P.S. And if your husband is still in the bush, then bring the fruits of the tree of life into his heart, remind him of God’s promises, strengthen him in his divine nature and in the truth and remember that you have a secret place where there is God. Looking forward for you to solve everything that separates you at your home.
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