I found myself doing this many times during the war. When it was necessary to pray for very simple things – for the improvement of one’s own or someone else’s health, for the provision of equipment for people, ministries, congregations, families (now this is one of the most frequent prayers) and for other things that we pray for in a peaceful life. I had such thoughts: “You pray for health, but here you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. You’re here praying for the cold to go away, but what’s going on here! You pray for all needs to be met and then people’s houses are destroyed and cars are burned!”
I have sometimes felt embarrassed that I pray for supposedly small things compared to the global hardships around us. I have talked to many people and I know many have experienced this. If we surrender to such thoughts, the following thoughts arise: “If we are already praying, we should pray for the war to end, the enemy be pushed back, people would not die, that some global changes will take place.”
But I noticed that when we turn in embarrassment from the prayers and spiritual actions that are necessary at this moment in relation to ourselves, our loved ones, our ministry, the church to these global, big and powerful anti-war prayers, they quickly subside. It happens that we leave these seemingly trivial requests and think: “Well, it’s not bad. This is inappropriate now. Now we have to think about the mighty and the great, so that peace will come to the whole world. But instead of moving toward that great intercession, we just stop praying.”
Through experimental research, I determined for myself and not only for myself, that the Lord is actively taking care of literally all areas of our lives in this time of war. I mean it’s not obvious. It took me a month and a half to finally figure it out and another month or so to establish myself in it.
I think we need to open ourselves even more to God’s work in literally every detail of our personal, family life and our ministry. We do not yet have to give in to these false humble thoughts and the attacks of the enemy against God’s children. Our God is one. He is one of three forms. And one God wants to unite all areas of our lives. He wants us to believe that He cares about everything.
God has always performed not only global miracles
When we read in the Bible about the ministry of great men and women of God like Elisha, we see that God did many miracles through the same prophet. God healed people, God cleansed the leper Naaman. But He used Elisha for more than just healing and cleansing. Through each of His miracles, God did something in other areas.
When God worked a miracle with widow’s oil, He used it in a special way. Through this miracle, other miracles followed. God arranged one miracle that started a chain of God’s supernatural works. When God cleansed Naaman, He turned one of Israel’s chief enemies into a zealous friend of God and a defender of Israel.
God worked in an amazing way when a piece of wood was thrown into the water and caused an iron ax to float. God has shown that His children fundamentally have power over more than just naturally changing circumstances. But as an exception, His children who serve Him in the power and anointing of the Ruach HaKodesh have power over physical and natural laws. God showed the disciples, the sons of the prophets and their families that the power of God’s servants goes far beyond what they believed and understood until now and can affect areas they did not even think about.
God has always provided for the needs of His children
Through every miracle, God increased the faith of those who trusted Him and brought to repentance those who had for a time submitted to idolatry. This same Elisha was called the protector of God’s people. What God’s people? Jews who had God’s right worship, praise, God’s holy temple with sacrifices and high priest, right priesthood and right king? No, Israel, who remained God’s chosen, but was still generally far from God.
God loves His people, even when His people have largely turned their backs on Him and worshiped idols. God performed incredible miracles of protection for God’s people who acted as ungodly people. Of course, this is all to a certain extent and to a certain limit. But God showed through Elijah and Elisha to what extent He wants to intervene in all areas of His children’s lives, to what extent He wants to do miracles and signs in every area of His people’s lives.
There was always war. The superior forces of the enemy attacked Israel. But God did not forget the miracles of healing and meeting the daily needs of one family, literally saving two people from slavery, saving one axe. Friends, God canceled the physical laws for a while because of one ax that was borrowed! So that the water that His servants drank and used for cooking would no longer be bitter, but become good, He also performed a miracle.
War, threats and attacks all around. Israel had idolatry. But God took care of all the children who served Him, their loved ones, relatives in every sphere of life. But when the enemy’s threat became particularly serious and dire, God performed obvious miracles that stopped the enemy.
We remember how the Syrian army besieged the city where Elisha was and just at the word of the prophet, the eyes of his carnal, not particularly spiritual helper were first opened and he saw the spiritual world. He saw how many chariots of fire were around, ready to fight for God’s people according to the word of the prophet. And then there was a miracle that simultaneously blinded the entire enemy army.
Adonai Shalom – God of wholeness and completeness
Friends, we should consider in which area of our life and ministry we have stopped believing, firstly, that God is omnipotent in this, and secondly, that He wants to act with full power in this area and thirdly, that He is waiting for our faith, prayer and courage to begin to function in full force.
The One God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob wants us to believe that one of His names is Adonai Shalom, meaning Lord of fullness, Lord of wholeness, Lord of harmonious unity and then peace in its ordinary sense. Shalom is the name of the Lord, which means unity, wholeness, indivisibility and harmonious unity of all components.
We should not hesitate to pray for healing and command the sickness to go away. We should not hesitate to pray for all our needs, the needs of our brothers and sisters, loved ones and relatives. We should not hesitate to pray and believe that the Lord wants to bless our families especially at this time.
We should not be ashamed to exercise authority over our ministry, which in these very circumstances God wants to raise to the level of the new power and authority of His Holy Spirit. He wants our service to develop to a whole new level, because it is at such times that He gives grace that surpasses our previous successful, habitual and ordinary ideas of what He can do. This is the time when Yeshua’s word “For the Lord gives the Spirit without measure” must become alive and active in our lives.
Our attitude towards the material sphere, our trust in God in this sphere is very important for God to show us how much He is ready to act in everything. And our physical health is under God’s special protection at this time. Believe and pray for physical needs.
And if you think: “How many people died! And how many wounded! And here I am praying for a cold – shame on me!” Do not accept this enemy’s lie. God shows us very clearly that His church, His family should be an example of God’s special protection, God’s special care, God’s special love that literally goes through everything.
A prayer
Jeshua, thank You for the fact that You act especially powerfully and deeply in this time of war, with all the attacks, power cuts, destruction and even death of people. And You do not miss any detail of our inner and outer life. Everything is important to You, because each sphere affects all others.
We thank You for wanting to create a shalom-like order in our lives, in our relationships with You, in our service, in our relationships with all people, in our reactions to the environment. A shalom-like order in which each area is connected to the others.
Boris Grisenko, Rabbi of KEMO / t.me/messianicrabbi
Source: https://ieshua.org/boris-grisenko-stesnyaetes-molitsya-za-melochi-vo-vremya-vojny.htm