Psalm 28: The Lord is righteous in His judgment

“Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts.” (Psalm 28: 3).

It reminds me of the events that preceded the current war in Ukraine. When our northern neighbor’s officials repeated over and over again: “We are not going to attack anyone. We will stop the maneuvers and pull out the troops. We are not going to start a war, we do not want to be subjected to any provocation. We are for peace and we call everyone to peace ”and so on. There were even concrete promises to withdraw a certain number of troops from Ukraine’s northern border. We know what they actually had in their hearts, because what is in their hearts will sooner or later fall out. And it has poured out and it continues to be poured out. Isn´t it enough already? But no, this very great evil is continuously pouring out.

David realized that sooner or later God would punish those who do this. Not just some punishment for improvement, but real disaster. And help us God, that He would allow this to happen during their earthly lives, because if it does not happen during their earthly lives, they will not have the opportunity to evade eternal torment.

And he realized that when revenge is paid for such terrible things, it affects entire groups of people and even the entire nation, where the majority supports the kind of deception, lie, evil and violence that is hidden behind peaceful conversation and negotiation. Sooner or later, the Lord will certainly punish such deception, hypocrisy and the subsequent murder of innocent people.

David saw such people around him, he saw that there were many people like this unfortunately in Israel. And he cried out to the Lord to stop the defeat of the people of God and he used the same argument that Abraham used in his negotiations with God to save Sodom.

Boris Grisenko, Rabbi of KEMO

Source: Псалом 27: Господь справедлив в Своём суде (

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