“A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight. When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.”

“A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight. When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.” Proverbs of Solomon 11:1-2 King Solomon wrote these words for us, for those who listen to the advice of the Almighty and want to build a good and fulfilling life. For a fulfilling and a happy life, you need to have the right scales in your heart. It is very important for each of us to be able to correctly look at everything that happens in our lives or around us. Whatever happens to us or around us, we must thank the Lord for everything and believe that the Almighty will turn everything for our benefit and good! Our attitude must remain positive and kind!

No matter how dark it is around, the sun will definitely rise!
Your scales must be true and everything in life must be weighed by the Word of the Lord! This is eternal wisdom! This is life-giving wisdom and gives peace in the heart! By keeping the Word of God in you, you partake of the righteousness of the Lord! And the righteousness of the Lord gives life and success! You are not proud in yourself, but humble before the Lord and gain wisdom for every situation!

“The righteous is saved from trouble and instead of him the wicked falls into it.” Proverbs of Solomon 11:8

Dear ones, have the right scales in you and keep yourself from evil! Believe God and thank Him for everything because everything is for our good, because He cares about us!
Shalom! Baruch Hashem!

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